Sunday, May 31, 2009

Black History in Puerto Rico

Black history in Puerto Rico begins with the African freeman who arrived with the Spanish Conquistadors. The Spaniards enslaved the Tainos,who were the native inhabitants of the island,and many of them died as a result of the treatment that they had received.This presented a problem for the Spanish Crown,since they depended on slavery as a means of manpower for the mines and construction of forts. Their solution was to import slaves from Africa and,as a consequence,the vast majority of the Africans who immigrated to Puerto Rico did so as a result of the slave trade from many different areas of the African continent.
Notable Puerto Ricans of African Ancestry are as follows :

1.Arturo Alfonso Schomburg
2.Jose Celso Barbosa
3.Rafel Hernandez Marin
4.Juan Morel Campos
5. Sylvia del Villard
6.Roberto Clemente
8.Jesus Colon
9.Orlando Cepeda
10. Pedro Flores
11.Felix Trinidad
12.Juano Hernandez
13.Bernie Williams

There are thousands of more notable Puerto Ricans with African Ancestry,which are to numerous to name,and these Puerto Ricans are just as much African as any so-called African American.

Black&Hispanic Firefighters should have sued the city of New Haven, Connecticut for using an exam that wasn't validated.

In the case of Ricci vs. DeStefano,the city of New Haven knowingly,willingly,and purposely used a promotional test that wasn't validated,which resulted in disparate impact or adverse impact on Black and Hispanic applicants.
In the Ricci case the City of New Haven did not show that the promotional test used for firefighters was remotely job-related or whether the test had a business necessity. Therefore the question has to be asked as to why would the city of New Haven use a promotional exam that hadn't been validated ?
It appears as though the city of New Haven was inviting and encouraging a lawsuit by its' careless,reckless,and poor personnel practices and procedures.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The University of Virginia Leads Nation's Top Universities in Percentage of first- year Black Students

Black students made up 11.4 percent of this year's entering class at the elite highly acclaimed University of Virginia tying Columbia University for first place among the nation's top-rated Universities in a ranking published by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education in the month of January,2009.
Blogger Black Buzz says the most of the Black students admitted to UVA could also academically qualify for admittance to any Ivy League School,and none of them would be considered an Affirmative Action admit.
Also note that UVA's Black Law School students beat Law school students from Harvard,Yale,Columbia, Duke, Emory, NYU, USC,and other law school students in the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial National Championship held on March,21,in Irvine,California.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The world needs to be patient on North Korea !

Little Kim Jong-il is on the verge of blowing up his own country and Hillary Clinton must encourage him to so at all cost. The United States and the Republic of China will be able to absorb any North Koreans that are left.

Some Experts say the North Korean Army are its most loyal citizens, but given the opportunity they will flee to South Korea.

China's number one cash cow is the United States of America !

China's number one cash cow is the United States of America,and they will not permit a paranoid sickly thug like Little Kim upset the status quo.

The North Koreans lived better under Japanese rule !

Indeed the North Koreans lived considerably better under the ruthless rule of the Japanese masters, and they were guaranteed one bowl of rice a day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So What If President Obama Selected the Highly Quailified Sotomayor Because She Is Hispanic

The United States Supreme Court was established in 1789 and it remained an all white male privileged institution for one hundred and ninety years . Ronald Reagan appointed the first female Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor to the high court in 1981.
Sonia Sotomayor is a brilliant scholar and it is a plus that she is a woman of color.
Hopefully, President Obama will have the opportunity to nominate an African American female and Native American female to the high court in the very near future. The highest court in the land should have at least four females in its makeup. White males had their exclusive quota system for nearly 200 years on the Supreme court and now the high court should truly reflect all the diverse populations in the United States.

How many African Americans Commentators does C-Span Employ?

It is a known fact that the mass media are not Equal Opportunity Employers.

The Public Needs to "Wake Up" .

Unless you live in fantasyland, all Judges sit behind those black robes and legislate from the bench in the United States.

I encourage the GOP and their surrogates "To Throw the Kitchen Sink" at Sotomayor's nomination and I hope it will backfire against them at the polls.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why Can't Muammar Al-Gaddafi Find a Solution to the War Between the Extremist Shabab &Sufi in Somalia?

Somalia hasn't had any semblance of normal governance since 1990, and the country is ripe for Shabab Muslim takeover. The Shabab are nothing but proxies for Al-Qaeda, and the African Union, the UN and the U.S. appear to be dumbfounded and moribund in developing an effective strategy in combatting the extremist Shabab.
The African Union under Gaddafi's leadership has been a failure and useless in resolving the conflict between the Shabab Muslims and Sufi Muslims in Somalia. I don't believe that Col.Gaddafi is committed to finding a peaceful solution to the war in Somalia.
What side do you think Gaddafi is supporting? The African Nations, the U.S. nor the West can ill afford to have a blatant Al Qaeda sanctuary on the Horn Of Africa. The Obama administration must do all in its power to give logistical, tactical and combat U.S. military support to Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is one of the oldest Christian nations in the world and we must aid them and all parties in their efforts to defeat Al-Qaeda and thier companions in Somalia.
If the UN and U.S. concede Somalia to the Shabab and Al-Qaeda,what nations will be next on Al-Qaeda's hit list of nations to topple Tanzania, Kenya or Uganda ?

President Obama Makes History in Nominating Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court

President Obama selects Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit as his first appointment to the High Court. If confirmed by the Senate, Judge Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic and woman of color Justice to serve on the Supreme Court.
Sonia Sotomayor has been an excellent Judge and she will make an outstanding Justice.
Her temperament and judicial character are above reproach and she will bring a high degree of intellectual curiosity, dignity, wisdom and equanimity with a keen acute mastery of the law.
The appointment of a Supreme Court Jurist is the most important appointment that President Obama will make in his Presidency.
It is quite apparent that President Obama made a smart political calculation in selecting the highly qualified Sotomayor and this choice has Hispanic voters written all over this appointment. With the potentiality of millions of Hispanic voters in the future, President Obama probably based a lot of his decision with that prospect in the equation.

Brief Biography On Judge Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor earned her BA. from Princeton University, Summa Cum Laude in 1976, where she won the Pyne Prize, the highest general award given to Princeton undergraduates.
Sotomayor obtained her JD from Yale Law Shool in 1979 where she was editor of the Law Journal. Sotomayor then served as an Assistant District Attorney under prominent New York District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau. In 1984, she entered private practice making partner at the commercial litigation firm of Pavia & Harcourt where she specialized in intellectual property litigation.

When Will the GOP Smear Games Begin Against Sonia Sotomayor?

No Hispanic should ever vote for a GOP candidate for any public office.

Great Pick (Sonia Sotomayor), President Obama

GOP Reich-Wingers, winning elections has consequences.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

President Obama, nominate someone in the vein of Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Thurgood Marshall to the U.S.Supreme Court.

Justices Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia are right-wing Judicial Activists, Strict Constructionists. We need a true moderate legal scholar like Justice Ginsburg or Thurgood Marshall to balance the judicial activism of the Roberts led court.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dick Cheney's deceitful speech on National Security on May 21, was laced with lies and distortions,and it also shows why he flunked out of Yale twice.

It was refreshing to see President Barack Obama, who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, give an insightful, thorough explanation on why he will close GITMO.
The American people should always remember that the incompetent, inept Bush/Cheney team ignored and refused to listen to their Terrorism Czar, Richard Clarke and to the F.B.I. for nine months prior to the 9-11 attack.

Why didn't the UN consult with the founder of TransAfrica, Randall Robinson, before appointing Bill Clinton to be Special UN Envoy to Haiti ?

How much money have the greedy Multi-National corporations in Haiti promised to give to Bill Clinton or to the Bill Clinton Foundation ?
These corporations, in concert with Haiti's brutal leaders, have exploited and have run rough-shod over the Haitian people for the last century.
How many innocent Haitian boat people who were seeking asylum in the United States of America did Bill Clinton and the infamous Janet Reno leave helplessly stranded in the waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

President Obama, why not appoint Jerome( Bus) Bettis to be the Special White House Envoy to the University Of Notre Dame ?

Yellowstone National Park Wildlife Alert !

All wildlife, particulary Grizzly Bears, Grey-Wolves, and Bisons should be aware of the fact that "Gun Nuts" driving pick-up trucks will be invading our National Parks, and they should be considered armed and dangerous.

Cheney Is winning the battle against Obama in effectively diverting attention away from his criminal culpability in the Torture Program

Thanks to wishy washy Nancy Pelosi, President Obama and the Democrats appear to be off stride and out of sync in combating the Cheney offensive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

President Obama, Keep GITMO Open!

If President Obama closes GITMO, where will the present detainees go? Will some detainees be released/detained further or will they be put on trial? What would happen if one of the GITMO detainees who is released, attacks a U.S. interest anywhere in the world? What would be the political fallout for Barack Obama who would have the blood of innocent Americans or other foreign nationals on his hands? The United States of America has the most outstanding, thorough, efficient Intelligence Agencies in the World, and they are second to none. More importantly those Intelligence Agencies such as the Office of Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), United States Department Of Defense, Air Force Intelligence(AFISR), Military Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA), Marine Corp Intelligence Activity, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency(NGA), National Reconnaissance Office(NRO), National Security Agency(NSA), Office of Naval Intelligence(ONI), U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, United States Department of Homeland Security, United States Secret Service, Coast Guard Intelligence, United States Department Of Justice, Federal Bureau Of Investigation(FBI), Directorate of Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of National Security Intelligence(DEA), United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence Research(INR), United States Department of Treasury, and the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. Thanks to the previous named agencies, along with our superb law enforcement agencies, we have not had a 9/11 type of attack on the homeland since September 11, 2001.
President Obama needs to take more time to think more clearly on the subject of closing GITMO and to consult with his chief U.S. military personnel and members of his national security team on the subject on closing GITMO because the consequences and repercussions could be fatal to the U.S. national interests.
In my opinion, GITMO must stay open until we come up with a viable alternative that can absorb all the detainees with the highest standards of detention and security which meet the United States’ global obligation in its efforts to combat and curtail national and international terrorism.

President Obama, Please Convince South Carolina Governor Mark Sandford To Accept The Ambassadorship To Angola !

It would be fitting and appropriate if President Barack Obama could convince or persuade Mark Sandford ,the present Governor of South Carolina, to take the vacant Ambassador's position in the African nation of Angola.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Convicted Rapist Receives A Football Scholarship To The University Of Tennessee(Volunteers)

The University Of Tennessee has given a football scholarship to Daniel Hood a convicted rapist-kidnapper.Mr.Hood was convicted of aggravated kidnapping and raping his first cousin using a toilet plunger after having taped 70 per cent of her body with duct tape.
Apparently the Volunteers under the guidance of the inept Lane Kiffin will do anything to win, and maybe now they will start recruiting in the prisons. Lane Kiffin was a loser in the Pros and he could be a loser at the collegiate level. I urge all Tennessee Volunteer Season ticket holders to boycott all the Vols' games.

Was Pelosi A Complicitous Fellow Traveler With the Cheney & Bush Torture Program ?

The American electorate is aware of the fact that members of Congress very rarely read and comprehend the bills they sign, and quite often they don't listen to information supplied to them by their aides or by other parties.
I believe that Nancy Pelosi was briefed on waterboarding in 2002 and on February 4, 2003. If Mrs.Pelosi knew that waterboarding was being used on detainees, why didn't she along with other members of Congress protest that practice ?
Our leaders in this Constitutional Republic purport that we are a nation of laws whenever it is politically expedient, and then renege on that declaration of rhetoric when it's not in their best interest.
I say that we are a nation of cowards and hypocrites.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Father Jenkins Is To Be Commended For His Courage And Tenacity For Having President Obama Speak To The Graduates Of The University Of Notre Dame

Will The Roman Catholic Church Pay Reparations To The Iraqi Women Who Had To Abort Their Babies Due To The Trauma Of The Illegal Invasion Of Iraq ?

The Catholic Bishops Were Silent When George W. Bush Bombed Iraq !

Where were those hypocritical Catholic Bishops when George W. Bush ruthlessly bombed innocent Iraqi citizens killing hundreds of thousands of innocent babies,children and women who had to abort their pregnancies because of the trauma of the illegal invasion ? Why were those Bishops so silent about that quasi genocide perpetrated against those defenseless women who lost their babies ?

The Notre Dame Protestors Against President Obama's Visit to the Campus Are Nothing But a Group of Addle-brained One Issue Voters

Breaking News...................................South Bend,Indiana, May,17,2009

The only thing missing from the protestors' inner circle are the lynch

Why Was The Roman Catholic Hierarchy So Silent On The Widespread Pervasive Disgusting Sinful Sexual Abuse of Minors Practiced By Pedophile Clergy ?

Bishop Zubik,Of The Pittsburgh Diocese,Abortion and Homosexuality Are Both Sins,And So Is The Racism Practiced by Some Members of your chruch.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Present U.S. Supreme Court,The Congress,The States And Local School Districts Have Made A Mockery Of Brown vs. The Board Of Topeka,Kansas

This is the 55th. Anniversary of Brown vs. The Board

What we have witnessed for the last 25 years is the resegregation of most of our major school districts in the United states with an epidemic of massive low expectation and malignant persistence underachievement of African American and Latino students in grades K-thru 12.
This brutal nullification of Brown by the Judicial,Legislative,and Executive Branches of government has resulted in educational genocide against people of color.

Fasten Your Seatbelts And Pray That President Obama Doesn't Select A Female Equivalent As Clarence Thomas For David Souter's Seat On The High Court

President Obama Selects A Evangelical Mormon,The Governor Of Utah,Jon Huntsman For Ambassador To China

Hopefully the Chinese people will vigorously resist the efforts of the Latter-Day-Saints to convert them to Mormon.
Is this one of those Judd Gregg type of appointments ?

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Boston Celtics Need A Bona-Fide Affirmative Action Program To Obtain Some Quality White Players !

Red Auerbach must be turning over in his grave after the pitiful mediocre play of Brian Scalabrine in last night's game between the Celitcs and the Orlando Magic.
This Scalabrine is not a legitimate N.B.A. player and the Celtics must do a better job of scouting and signing highly talented white players.
Watching the present day Celtics is like seeing the Harlem Globetrotters play.

Is Questioning A Person's Patriotism Demagoguery ?

The true American Patriots are the people that work this land called the United States Of America for free,and who fought gallantly,courageously and heroically in every War for the status of full second class citizenship.

Is There A Family Feud Going On Between Cheney and President Obama ?

Those family feuds are the most intense.

When Did Boss Hogg Limbaugh Serve In The Military ?

Breaking News: Jump Back,Mississippi, May 15, 2009

The American electorate would like to know when Old Boss Hogg Russ Limbaugh served in the U.S. Military. According to reliable sources in Jump Back,Mississippi, Mr. Limbaugh better known as Boss Hogg was classified 4-F. Does that mean he had a defective-genetic mental disease that prevented him from learning various cognitive skills ?

House Negro Of The Year Is Sudan's Omar Al-Bashir

Mr. Bashir is the Sudanese President who has been charged with War crimes by the International Court of Justice against the indigenous people of Darfur and other ethnic tribes in Southern Sudan.
Because Mr. Bashir has caused the death and misplacement of millions of his own people he is awarded the honor of "House Negro Of The Year".
Killing your own people is true House Negro behavior.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Women Must Run Early and Often for Office, Says Professor

May 5, 2009 — When the American public chooses between a male or female candidate for elected office, both sexes fare similarly on average. But women are significantly less likely to run for office in the first place, and changing that fact will be one key to ending the underrepresentation of women in American politics, professor and former congressional candidate Jennifer Lawless said Thursday at the University of Virginia. One way to do so is to encourage young women to consider running for office, Lawless told about 50 people – primarily female students – at a talk sponsored by U.Va.'s Department of Politics, Women's Center, Studies in Women and Gender program, and Center for Politics. In 2006, Lawless ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in Rhode Island's Second Congressional District. She interspersed anecdotes from her campaign with findings from her research as an assistant professor of political science and public policy at Brown University.Lawless, co-author of the book, "It Takes a Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office," acknowledged the recent spate of election and appointment "firsts" for women: Hillary Clinton as the first to win a presidential primary, later appointed secretary of state; Sarah Palin as the first Republican vice presidential candidate; Nancy Pelosi as the first speaker of the House, and Janet Napolitano as the first secretary of homeland security.Despite those individual success stories, on the whole, "things are terrible for women," Lawless said, with 83 nations now surpassing the United States in terms of the ratio of women elected to national legislatures. In the U.S. Congress, men occupy 83 of the 100 Senate seats and 87 percent of the 435 House seats. Seventy-six percent of state legislators are men. Women serve as governors in only seven of the 50 states and are mayors in just 11 of 100 largest U.S. cities. Those ratios have come only after women made gains in the 1980s and 1990s, Lawless noted, but those gains have been leveling off in the past two decades. To investigate what is keeping American women out of politics, Lawless interviewed 4,000 women and men in law, business, education and political activism – the four professions that historically have been most likely to lead to political careers. Among those similarly credentialed men and women, about half had considered running for office, but women were one-third less likely to have given it some thought. And if they had, they were only half as likely to have done the basic prerequisites for running for office, such as discussing the decision with family and friends.Three main barriers account for this doubly-circumscribed pool of women running for office, Lawless hypothesized: Compared to men, women are less likely to be recruited; women are much more likely to be responsible for child-rearing and housework on top of a career; and women tend to be more negative in self-assessment of their qualifications to run for office. Women are 35 percent less likely to ever be encouraged to run for office, she said, and even those who have been are less likely to perceive they've been recruited. For example, in one of Lawless' interviews a woman recounted how her mayor suggested she run for city council and offered to help her campaign, but the woman still didn't consider herself to have been encouraged to seek office. In contrast, one man explained how he had been encouraged to run for office when he was in an airport bar: He talked back at a TV news report, and the bartender said he was smart and should run for office.Among the women and men with similar professional roles and responsibilities, women were 10 to 12 times more likely to be the family member primarily responsible for child-rearing and/or housework. For women with those familial duties, running for office is equivalent to taking on a third full-time job, Lawless said, and women are keenly aware that they will be judged on their performance in all three regards. This inclines many women to defer their political aspirations until after the kids have grown up and left the house. A political career typically involves a ladder-climbing process of first running for local office, and then statewide or national positions, Lawless said. When women start their career later, they must move up the ladder faster, start on a higher rung, or end their climb in a lower office.Only about 35 percent of women consider themselves qualified to run for office, and those who think themselves unqualified had almost zero chance of ever running for office. Men who had the same doubts about their qualifications still had a 50 percent chance they would end up considering a run for office, in part because they tended to cite having "passion, vision and leadership" as their main qualifications. In contrast, when asked what made them qualified, women would list accomplishments from their résumé. Women know they will, by virtue of simply being a woman, have to overcome the presumption of some that they "don't look the part." During her own campaign, in response to one voter who said she looked like a babysitter and another voter who said she was too short to be elected, Lawless began wearing business suits, high heels and makeup. She had to spend campaign time explaining why she didn't look like the cliché candidate image, which took away from the limited time she could talk about the issues.What's the future for women in American politics? Neither political party is doing well at recruiting women, but various progressive groups are doing well at recruiting women who usually end up running as Democrats, Lawless said, suggesting that the Republican Party could benefit from similar partnerships. Women are becoming better represented in the careers that traditionally are most likely to lead to running for office, but even women under 25 are still seven to nine times more likely than men to have family and household duties on top of their professional careers. Women shouldn't let that challenge stop them, because they will figure out how to juggle three major responsibilities, just as they have figured out how to succeed in their first two full-time jobs, she said.The best short-term solution is to recruit and encourage young women candidates, Lawless said. Campaigning for student government posts is great preparation for running for public office, and with 500,000 elected offices in this country, there's plenty of places to get started.
— By Brevy Cannon
General Assignments Writer
for UVa Today

Montgomery Co. teachers learn about race

A daylong seminar provided advice on how to better teach the subject to students.

Matt Gentry The Roanoke Times
BLACKSBURG -- A group of Montgomery County teachers learned about the history of race in Virginia through a series of presentations from professors and a panel of experts and got advice on how to talk about race in their classroom history lessons.
About 30 teachers from grades four through 12 and school board member Joe Ivers attended Thursday's event at Blacksburg Middle School.
The history lessons included Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, a Virginia court case brought after an overcrowded all-black high school in Farmville began using an old bus as a classroom. That case was later consolidated into Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case that led to desegregation of the nation's schools.
University of Virginia professor Patrice Grimes, a former middle school teacher who now researches the socio-cultural context of schooling, led one discussion during the teacher training. Grimes said knowing that the desegregation case has ties to Virginia would be good for students.
But, she said, any discussion involving race should dig deeper.
"Before we can even begin to talk about the others, we must first talk about ourselves," Grimes told teachers.
She suggested teachers attack barriers to race discussions by creating a "culture quilt," which melds pieces of each student's life to those of their classmates.
She sent the educators home with a packet of lesson ideas to incorporate on their own.
Many teachers said the day was helpful. Gretchen Distler, a sixth-grade teacher at Blacksburg Middle, said the discussion will help her find ways to broach the topic of race "instead of dancing around it."
Her students learn history through 1877 and won't tackle more modern history topics until the seventh grade. Now, she said, she'll be able to prepare students for that by tying more 20th century topics into her pre-Civil War era lessons.
The training was funded in part through the Montgomery County schools' Teaching American History grant and the Virginia Tech Department of History.
During the panel discussion, paid for in part by a diversity grant at Tech's College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Grimes joined Christiansburg resident Elaine Carter and Virginia Tech professor Peter Wallenstein to talk about Virginia segregated past.
Carter is a graduate of the Christiansburg Institute. That school, opened in 1866, was the only secondary school for blacks in Southwest Virginia. Carter now runs a project to preserve the school.
She spoke about her time in the school's music department and about the teachers who supported her. She said stories like hers must not be overlooked.

Where Was Dick Cheney During The Vietnam Conflict ?

Where was Dick Cheney during the Vietnam conflict---------hiding out with people like William Jefferson Clinton and thousands of other cowards and draft dodgers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Iranians Release the Iranian-American Journalist

Does anyone think that Bush, Cheney, Rice would have been able to secure the release of the Iranian-American journalist?
Blogger Black Buzz says Bush, Cheney, Rice, McCain and yes, our girl Hillary didn’t believe in talking, outreach and dialogue without pre-conditions with our alleged enemies. Uncle Remus informed Black Buzz that Hillary was now on the Obama Team. Blogger Black Buzz says this is a great victory for Obama’s style of diplomacy which emphasizes talking, outreach, dialogue coupled with tough negotiations with countries who in the past have been purported to be our mortal enemies. Intelligent, tough, consistent dialogue with our adversaries will be the centerpiece of Mr. Obama’s foreign policy. Uncle Remus asked Black Buzz: “do you think Hillary Clinton will try to hijack all the success of the release of Iranian-American journalist Roxanna Saberi”? Black Buzz states that President Obama knows how to keep Hillary Clinton in check. Blogger Black Buzz says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a political calculation to release Ms. Saberi who was a political prisoner, to enhance his political standing with the Iranian people for the upcoming presidential election in June of this year. Uncle Remus says that the chief clerics possibly told Ahmadinejad to release the Iranian-American journalist because there was not one shred or iota of evidence against her.
This was a great victory for the Untied States of America and all members of the Obama team that played a role in securing the release of Ms. Saberi.

The Cheney Torture Offensive Against Obama and Holder

Breaking News: Casper, Wyoming….May 12, 2009
Blogger Black Buzz says for the last three months, Dick Cheney has waged a relentless duplicitous assault against President Barack Obama in relation to Obama’s national security policies and the release of the “torture memos” because he, Cheney, would be the principle culprit in any type of future investigation into the previous administration’s purported conduct regarding prisoners in our charge and the possibility of criminal culpability regarding the violation of the applicable laws of the United States and its Constitution. This draft dodging Cheney is basically conducting a publicity campaign to save his own neck and gives the appearance that he is trying to intimidate and bully President Obama and Attorney General Holder.

Why Didn’t Dick Cheney Risk His Life To Make Our Country Safer?

Breaking news: Helena.....May 12, 2009
Blogger Black Buzz wants to know why Dick Cheney didn’t risk his life by volunteering for military service during the height of the Vietnam era to make our beloved country safer from Communist aggression?

Is Dick Cheney An American Hero Or Draft Dodger?

In my opinion the sign of a true American patriot is military service to his or her country. Former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, deliberately avoided the military draft by obtaining five (5) deferments. Mr. Cheney never volunteered to serve his country, but he was quick on the draw and complicit along with President Bush in sending our gallant young men and women off to fight in an illegal war in Iraq with fake and false intelligence as its centerpiece for its strategy.
The American people shall have the final judgment on whether Mr. Cheney is a true American hero, draft dodger or a war criminal.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Raid On Entebbe

Blogger Black Buzz’s below poem is about the brilliant miraculous rescue by Israeli commandos of Israeli citizens who had been hijacked on an Air France jetliner, flight 139, which had originated from Tel Aviv, Israel on June 27, 1976 and was headed towards Paris, France when the plane was intercepted by the PLO and by two Germans from the “German Revolutionary Cells” who directed the plane to Benghazi, Libya.

Raid On Entebbe

Uganda is a land with beautiful people and rolling hills.
 And it has a dictator named Idi Amin who
 Who harbors terrorists who kill people just for thrills.

The Israelis came to Uganda by planes
Some 2500 air miles away
And the Israeli Air Force penetrated the Uganda Air Defense sy
Which limited their stay.

The Ugandan Security Forces tried to drive the Israelis back
But the well-trained Israeli Commandos administered a heavy fatal
devastating counterattack.

As the Israeli planes flew out of sight
WE all will remember that victorious night
 Terrorism against Israeli citizens doesn't pay
A lesson that Idia Amin learned with much dismay

By Ronald B. Saunders

Copyright 1977

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Party of No vs.The Party of Yes We Can !

The battle between the Republicans and the Democrats is a battle for the soul of the American voters which is comparable to the wolf and the fox dueling for unbridled power!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Arlen Specter seizes the day - again

By Guian A. McKee
April 30, 2009
SENATOR Arlen Specter is a Democrat - again. As Democrats contemplate the possibility of a "filibuster-proof" Senate majority and Republicans savor their ever-increasing ideological purity, few realize that Specter's dramatic announcement Tuesday actually brought his career full circle. A political pragmatist, Specter started political life as a Democrat, and the story of his initial change 44 years ago could signal the possible consequences of his return.

In early 1965, Specter was an assistant district attorney in Philadelphia and a rising star in the local Democratic Party. A 35-year-old Yale Law School graduate and Warren Commission veteran, Specter appealed to the reform liberals who had captured the Philadelphia mayor's office and city council from a decrepit Republican organization in the early 1950s.
By 1965, these liberals needed a new champion. The first reform mayor, Joseph S. Clark, served one term before running for the US Senate. The second, Richardson Dilworth, resigned during his second term to run (unsuccessfully) for governor in 1962. His successor, James H.J. Tate, alienated the city's still-influential liberals, representing a return to the urban patronage politics they despised. Senator Clark suggested Specter as a possible reform candidate for district attorney - a traditional stepping-stone to the mayor's office.
But party politics blocked Specter's advance as a Democrat. Incumbent District Attorney James Crumlish (who had recommended Specter to the Warren Commission) would not step aside, and Mayor Tate, embroiled in a bitter struggle with both liberals and a rival faction of ward leaders, could not risk a fight with the district attorney. Specter found himself relegated to the Democratic sidelines.
Unwilling to wait his turn among the feuding party regulars, the ambitious Specter accepted the overtures of Republican US Senator Hugh Scott and Governor William Scranton to run for district attorney. Initially, he didn't even change his party registration.
Specter's campaign showed just how far he would go to seize the opportunity. He attacked Crumlish for failing to pursue allegations that Tate had misused city funds, and ran television ads showing a white woman fleeing down a dark city street, heels clicking, as a menacing pursuer advanced from behind. Thus, Specter became one of the first Republicans to seize upon white urbanites' fears about urban crime - and urban racial change. It worked. Specter became the first Republican to win a major Philadelphia office in 14 years.
After Republicans' crushing defeat the previous year, his victory garnered national attention. Washington Post columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak observed that Specter's win (along with John Lindsay's in New York) provided "powerful ammunition for the Republican Party's liberal-to-moderate wing, which argues that the Party must nominate a liberal for president in 1968 and let the right wing take a walk."
But Specter's 1965 strategy wasn't about liberalism or conservatism; it was about winning. He adopted a tough anti-corruption, anti-crime stance - which, ironically, partly failed him in the 1967 mayoral race. Tate endorsed Frank Rizzo, Philadelphia's interim police chief, whose aggressive and often racially divisive police tactics appealed to white ethnic voters. Although Specter drew Democratic liberals' support, he lost by 11,000 votes - the closest mayoral contest in city history.
During the 1970s, Specter's gubernatorial and senatorial bids met defeat - but those losses only strengthened his inclination to seize political opportunity. After he finally won election to the Senate in 1980 as a Reagan supporter, he generally adopted centrist positions.
Specter's career has never been about party or ideology - and his history of pragmatic opportunism is good news for Democrats. Although he is unlikely to face a strong primary challenge from the left, he must reinforce his new (or old) Democratic credentials. And while he may be unable to back away from his position on card-check, Specter is likely to find his fate tied closely to Obama's policy agenda on healthcare, cap-and-trade, and other budget priorities. As Specter pursues his own electoral interests once again, just as he did in 1965, the Democrats may well have found the elusive 60th vote in the Senate.

Guian A. McKee is associate professor at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs and the author of "The Problem of Jobs: Liberalism, Race, and Deindustrialization in Postwar Philadelphia."

© Copyright 2009 Globe Newspaper Company.

Blogger Black Buzz says: Pennsylvanians Do Not LikeTurncoat Politicians
Arlen Specter is a political Judas who saw the handwriting on the wall and because of self preservation decided to jump ship. A backroom deal was made between conniving Governor Rendell and the cantankerous Joe Biden and the wishy-washy President Obama to give their support to Specter if he agreed to support their legislative programs and their political agenda. This is just your typical good old boy's network of nurturing and giving support to deadbeats like Specter, when there are far more talented young men and women who are desirous of serving the citizens of the great state of Pennsylvania. Indeed the good old boys in the Democratic and Republican parties in Pennsylvania have a lock on who runs for public office in the State. And Pennsylvanians do not appreciate a sitting Governor nor the President and Vice-president of the United States dictating to them who should run for political office. The vast majority of Democrats in the State of Pennsylvania resent turncoats regardless of their political affiliation. So Mr. Specter, you will have an uphill battle trying to convince Pennsylvanians to vote for you. Arlen, "it's not in the bag" !

The Black African Nations Elect Muammar al-Gaddafi as Head of the African Union

On February 2, 2009, at a summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the buffoonish, stupid African Heads of States elected Muammar al-Gaddafi to be head of the African Union. The African Heads of States reward Gaddafi for his illegal invasion of the Black African Nation of Chad and his persistent undermining of the government in Uganda with said appointment. How much money did Gaddafi give to these duplicitous, disingenuous, sell-outs Heads of States? Appointing or electing Gaddafi to head the African Union is like placing Adolf Eichmann in charge of running the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Michele Bachman Chairs A New West Bank Group!

Breaking News: West Bank, Palestine----May 1, 2009
Michelle Bachman, the Congresswoman from Minnesota’s sixth district, will head a new West Bank organization called: “The West Bank Land Grabbers Gestapo”.

Miller Center Debate: Should Inequality Be Addressed by Race- or Class-Based Affirmative Action?

April 16, 2009 — Inequalities still persist decades after race-based affirmative action policies were adopted to create equal opportunities in employment and education. So maybe it's time to base affirmative action on factors like class and wealth, argued Dalton Conley of New York University and John McWhorter of the Manhattan Institute at a debate co-sponsored by the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs. The April 16 debate, on the future of affirmative action in America, was the third event of "Priorities for a New President," the 2009 season of the National Discussion and Debate Series.Conley and McWhorter faced off against Julian Bond, chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and a professor of history at U.Va., and Lee C. Bollinger, president of Columbia University, on the resolution: "Affirmative action should focus on class and wealth rather than race and ethnicity."The debate, moderated by Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for PBS' "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," took place in front of a live audience at the Library of Congress in Washington.Conley stated in his opening remarks that wealth and class impact educational and economic outcomes more than race and ethnicity do, and that racial inequality is connected to class disparities. "So if race now matters indirectly through its association with class, why do we continue to use it as a factor in admissions?" he asked. A race-blind, class-conscious approach, he contended, would decrease the stigma associated with race-based decisions, while ensuring that those who deserve a chance are more likely to receive it."Affirmative action was intended to be a remedy for slavery, for segregation, for racial discrimination – reparations for wrongs of the past," Bond argued. "To substitute class for immutable characteristics of race is to make a mockery of the Civil Rights Movement that gave birth to affirmative action." The election of an African-American president, albeit historic, does not mean that discrimination suddenly does not exist in America, he said – and because race and wealth are different categories, he argued, race-based affirmative action is still necessary. "Nobody beat Rodney King because he was poor," he said.McWhorter, a best-selling author and columnist for The New Republic who teaches at Columbia, said that lower standards resulting from race-based affirmative action in college admissions are great cause for concern. "I think that it would be disingenuous to pretend that there's no such thing as the kind of affirmative action that involves lowering standards," he said. "If you set the bar low, then overall that's the kind of performance that you're going to get."But racial diversity in the academic environment is too important to be addressed through class and wealth, Bollinger argued. "Countless things are considered in the course of admitting students," he said. "Geographic diversity, athletic diversity, international diversity, students who have many different kinds of backgrounds and experiences – [it's] very important to get them together in a class. It's also extremely important to realize that you will not get racial diversity if you rely just on class and wealth.""With wealth, given how unequally distributed it is by race, you get your cake and eat it too," Conley countered, "because you will get a diverse racial composition of a campus if you use wealth and not income as a basis of a class policy." McWhorter argued that the purpose of affirmative action – to address the effects of Jim Crow and the open social bigotry of the time – made sense for a generation. But open discrimination is no longer the norm, and the time for race-based policies has passed. "Affirmative action is like chemotherapy," he said. "It creates all kinds of problems in society… and it does create a stigma. And it has been shown to put a cramp on the incentive or even the knowledge of exactly what one actually needs to do in order to hit the highest bar because you don't have to." The debaters also discussed the use of race-based affirmative action in publicly vs. privately funded institutions, the use of the term "diversity," the perceptions of education within the black community, the immutability of race versus the mutability of wealth, and the level of stigmatization toward other affirmative action beneficiaries, including university legacy admissions.During closing remarks, Bond argued that affirmative action policies must address race to successfully counteract racism. "To substitute class for race and affirmative action is to deny history, deny reality and deny justice," he said. McWhorter concluded by looking ahead to his daughter's future prospects as she applies to college. "If the idea is that the administrators are beaming because my daughter is going to make the campus more diverse, if they are beaming because by admitting my daughter they're showing that racism is not dead, … I will feel that my daughter is being condescended to."The National Discussion and Debate Series is produced for broadcast by MacNeil/Lehrer Productions. "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" airs highlights from each debate, and PBS stations around the country will air them throughout the spring. Check local listings for details.More information, including debate video and a transcript, is online here.This season's final debate, on America's energy future, will take place May 14 at U.Va.'s Newcomb Hall.
— By Kim Curtis
Blogger Black Buzz says we have had over 500 years of White male privilege that predominates every entity and cultural institution of this great nation. This privilege has been bestowed upon White males because of a twisted, warped policy of manifest destiny inherent in the system of White supremacy. Also note that all of the structures are in place that dictate and predict how one will be able to be successful and navigate through a system that has nothing to do with any semblance of a meritocracy. A meritrocacy never has existed in any form in the United States and only when people of color and females have attempted to compete in the ecnomic and educational arena do we hear calls of merit and being fair-minded. Mr. McWhorter's whole argument is rooted in this basic hyprocrisy as it applies to America being this so-called meritocracy. Was it a meritocracy when Native indigenous lands,under the Homestead Act, were given to White European settlers who did not work a day to obtain this land? Was it a meritocracy when debased settlers from Europe were given land under manipulative treaties and fraudulent land schemes coupled with niggardly confiscation land acts? Was it a meritocracy when 95% of all people who benefited from the G.I. Bill of Rights were White (Caucasian) when thousands of documented cases of Black veterans were denied these benefits? Was it a meritocracy when African slaves essentially built the United States of America with their blood, sweat and tears and received not one cent in compensation for their labor? Until White males in positions of power become more humane, as talked about in the film " Little Big Man", we will continue to have White males fostering, promoting, aiding and abetting the class warfare which is to their benefit.