Native Americans migrated to the New World in three waves, Harvard-led DNA analysis shows
The editor says the correct term for identifying Americas first indigenous people is
First American not Native American. The researchers in the above article do in fact use the term Native American interchangeably with First American.
Every legal resident born on US soil is a Native American. America is the place of their birth and origin thus making them Native American. For an example a couple from India who migrates to America and becomes legal American citizens are not Native Americans. They hail from the Asia subcontinent of India and that is the place of their birth. All legal American citizens are Native Americans.
Some of the indigenous people of the Americas prefer to be called American Indian and Native American which are not the correct terms.
I generally agree with much that has been stated in the above article and one has to be more cognizant of the Pacific Coastal Route Theory and well as the Being Sea Land Bridge Theory which occurred into two separate waves.
DNA matching is such more complex because of the vast miscegenation between First Americans, Europeans and Black Africans.