Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Trail of Tears

The month of October is Native American Heritage Month and my poem titled: “The Tail of Tears” is dedicated to all the descendants of the Cherokee and other Native American tribes that lost their loved ones on the treacherous, murderous Trail of Tears.
Background: In 1838, the Cherokee Indians were forcibly removed from their homelands against their will and were stripped of their prior treaty rights in the State of Georgia and in the Carolinas by the United States government. The Cherokee Indians were brutally moved to the Oklahoma Territory on the “Trail of Tears”.

The Trail of Tears
Torrid hot summer days and ferocious wintery nights
Their obscure future didn’t appear too bright
A once proud people were dying on the trail from left to right
With no foreseeable end to the systematic genocide in sight.

October, 2008 Ronald B. Saunders

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