Monday, November 16,2009
Rocky Mount,North Carolina
Why can't the President Of the United States,Barack Hussein Obama, find the time to have a town hall meeting with the hard working students from Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina,or at Shepherd University in Shepherdtown,West Virginia ? President Obama also avoids having town hall meetings at Black Colleges as though those highly acclaimed institutions have the plague. Obama has been invited to speak at Howard University in Washington D.C., Bowie State , Morgan State, Maryland Eastern Shore, and Hampton, but he is always to busy, and he has yet to make an appearance at any of those HBCU's. His wife Michele Obama has made a brief appearance at Howard University on February 11,2009 , and she spoke on a variety of women's issues.
I think Obama's winning that fake Nobel Peace Prize has gone to his head as he meets with students from Shanghai China , and world leaders throughout Asia on his duplicitous U. S. propaganda tour, and what has Obama traded away to curry favor with the harsh ruthless Chinese Government in Beijing ? Did President Obama make any progress on our present scandalous trade imbalance with China ? Obama's Chop Suey tour of Asia, was designed to coincide with U.S.Attorney General Holder's new conference, about the five Guantanamo Bay Detainees suspects who will face trial in New York City.
Obama's top aides did not want Obama in the country(USA) at the same time that Holder was conducting his farce of a news conference so that Obama would not have to face tough questioning from the Washington Press corp.
The people in Taiwan should be weary and very terribly frighten at the thought that President Obama could be secretly trading off many of their key security concerns in reference to the People's Republic of China. China has hundreds of Missiles aimed at Taiwan, and know one will come to Taiwan's defense if those old corrupt rulers on the mainland China decide that they want to do in Taiwan for once and all. Would Uncle Sam under Barack the wimp Obama want to engage with the People's Republic of China, and you can count on Obama leaving the people in Taiwan out to dry. Prior security agreements don't mean a thing to Obama who really doesn't have an acute awareness or understanding of pass and present current events or world history.
And I will bet anyone that President Obama hasn't whispered a word about the plight of the indigenous suffering in Darfur,and he avoids inquires about the Darfur region of Sudan just likes he does speaking at Black Colleges in the United States. Putin made a fool out of Obama, by granting the U.S. air space for resupply for Afghanistan, which will have the effect of sinking the U.S. deeper and deeper into the cauldron in a part of the world that Mr. Obama appears baffled by what course of action to take. It is to Russia's advantage to have the U.S. bogged down in Afghanistan for another thirty years.Advantage Putin). And I'm sure the Chinese and Japanese have found President Obama wanting, and not up the task in carrying out the position responsibilities of said job as President of the United States.
Obama has previosly spoken at Howard Univ. Also, his wife spoke at HU this previous semester. I agree that the one glaring and major problem with this aminstration is ego; however, we must understandt that Obama has bigger fish-to-fry.
Colin S.
Howard University
CS When did Barack Obama speak at Howard University as President of The United States of America ?
Mrs. Obama the first lady spoke at Howard Univ. on February 11,2009 on various Women realted issues.
The biggest fish to fry CS are on the home front.
Thanks for your insightful comments
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