Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The University of Virginia,Located In Charlottesville Virginia Maintains High Graduation Rate For Student Athletes

January 27,2010
Hobson , Virginia

NCAA 2008 data shows that the University of Virginia holds a 86 per cent graduation rate among student Athletes having excellent measures in place for helping Student-Athletes achieve academic success.

BLACK BUZZ NEWS SERVICE, recommends that African American prospective Prep Student-Athletes throughout the United States avoid attending and Signing Letters of Intent with the following schools because those schools have not afforded African American Head football coaching candidates an equal opportunity to obtain the position of Head-Football Coach under like and similar circumstances afforded to White coaching candidates in all the systems of the pre-hiring process. Nor have some of the below schools granted African Americans who they have hired for said Head-Coaching positions and equal opportunity to succeed or fail under like or similar conditions as white coaches. Furthermore all of those actions by said schools in question were blatant violations of the various contracts that the African Americans coaches had with said respective schools. Furthermore we find the actions of Notre Dame in the instant case of Tyrone Willingham , Kansas State University in its treatment of Ron Prince , and UCLA in its nefarious treatment of Karl Dorrell to be a classic cases of disparate treatment to be in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,the United States Constitution( U.S. Code 1941 ) and other applicable Federal and State laws governing employment discrimination. The Black coaches who are victims of discrimination by said schools are afraid of pursuing legal action against those schools in question because they fear they will be "White-Balled" by all Colleges and Universities and the NFL teams.
Most colleges rely on the "the good Ol' Boy network as the primary recruitment source to fill their various openings for the position of Head Coach and all African American coaches at all levels of the coaching ranks don't even constitute 1 per cent of the good ol' boys.Many of the Head Coaching positions by many schools in Division I-A are filled by simply a call and phone interview with one candidate and very few schools have a consistent open pre-employment formal interview process in place that would afford opportunities to African American and other coaching candidates who are not part of the "Good Ol' Boy In-crowd ".
The College Presidents and the rest of the college hierarchy don't think Blacks embody the ideas and values their school does and the vast majority of these Presidents suffer from the "Al Campanis Syndrome ".
The NFL Rooney Rule was brought about by the relentless pressure from Ex-Black players and the late Gene Upshaw who was head of the NFL Players Association but there is no such demand among Black college players or their parents.
The apathy + naivety and complacency of these Black high school Prep recruits and their legal guardians (parents) is appalling which has set the Civil Rights Movement back at least twenty five years.
Those schools are as follows :

The Top Eleven Schools To Avoid At All Cost

1.University of Arkansas ,2009-Academic Ranking-125

2.Auburn University,2009-Academic Ranking-96

3. Kansas State University, 2009- Academic Ranking-130

4.Notre Dame University,2009- Academic Ranking-18

5.University of Mississippi,2009-Academic Ranking-Third Tier

6.University of Southern California ,2009 Academic Ranking- 27

7. Syracuse University,2009- Academic Ranking-53

8. Texas Tech University,2009-Academic Ranking- Third Tier

9.University of Tennessee,2009- Academic Ranking-108

10. West Virginia University,2009-Academic Ranking -Low Third Tier.

11. University of California-Los Angeles,(UCLA)-Academic Ranking-25

* Source for Academic Rankings , U.S. News & World Report,2009 Edition, America's Best, Colleges

*Stand up like Rosa Parks and thousands of other persons of color and "Just Say No , to the above eleven institutions on February 3,2010.

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