Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's Selection of Kagan: African Americans Have Been Systematically & Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Second Class Treatment.

Black Buzz News Service
Selma, Alabama
June 15, 2010

Selma Alabama..It appears as though President Obama's AI PAC advisers in his inner circle in the White House have told him that you can say or do anything to African Americans, and they will love you Mr. President.
Unfortunately that evaluation by his AI PAC advisers was incorrect.
Most intelligent African Americans feel that Obama's selection of Elena Kagan for the high court was a major slap in the face relative to why African Americans in droves supported his candidacy for the Presidency.
A appointment of a Supreme Court Jurist is the most important appointment that President Obama will make in his presidency. A supreme jurist decisions are felt for decades, and Obama chose to by pass not even consider many highly qualified African Americans that he could have chosen for said court. I have been saying for the past 12 months that Barack Obama is bad for Black America, and he is just simply bad for all America.
President Obama is greatly influenced by his cadre of AIPAC advisers in his inner circle in the White House, none of whom have never been supportive of a progressive Black agenda, or middle class agenda, and some like the egotistical Rahm Emanuel, and the sneaky David Axelrod have been known to have anti-Black agenda bias. Just ask any of the progressive Black activists in Chicago about the duplicitous politics of Rahm Emanuel, who is a Commander in the IDF reserve, and David Axelrod in reference to people of color in the windy city.
And how much influence did Obama's racist grandparents have on his views, and perceptions of African Americans ? Some of that venom was bound to rub off on Obama in his attitudes and views of African Americans. Any bona-fide psychologist can tell you that when you live any type of racially abusive environment that it will affect one attitudes and behavioral patterns. Plus the dominant culture in the United States of America helped to reinforce all the racist garbage that Obama's grandparents were feeding him on a daily basis based upon his own admission.
Obama has been advised by his AIPAC advisers that he can only get angry and show disdain for African Americans. Obama would never tell a White celebrity "That he's a Jackass like he did the brother Kanye West, in which Obama looked less than Presidential in his name calling episode. He would never go over to the debased countries in Europe, and tell then basically that they were corrupt like he did the Black African nations last summer. The cantankerous Obama would never tell a group of white fathers that they need to become better fathers, and bread winners. Obama would never talk down to a group of poor white fathers in a condescending tone, and manner like did a group of African American men last summer.
When will Black people, and the Obamatrons wake up and see Obama for the true political fraud that he is ? The Rev. Jackson was right about Obama in his talking down to Black people. And you saw how those brainwashed Negroes came to Obama's defense.
Yes Black people have been duped, and tricked by the slick-hip-pimp talking Obama, who is all full of flash, dash and eloquent speeches and very little on substance. The African American votes only count to the Democrats, and Obama on election day.
Watch how the NAACP led by the true sell out uncle Ben Jealous, and Rev. Al Sharpton attempt to give political cover to Obama for his dubious selection of Elena Kagan, who is so connected to the Corporate/Education-Industrial Complex. Ask Uncle Ben Jealous to explain how, and why Elena Kagan participated in what many consider an anti-Black, anti Latino parody at the overrated Harvard Law School. Did Uncle Ben Jealous interview any of the African American, and Hispanic Law School students who felt the sting of that racist parody masked as free speech by Obama's girl Kagan ? Ask Uncle Ben and Dr. Sharpton to explain Kagan's hiring record of African Americans at Harvard, and watch how Jealous and Sharpton do the Obama shuffle.
When will African Americans, and the Obama trons give up on their addiction to the Democratic Party, and Obama juice ?
The painful thing is still so many Negroes, and Obamatrons have their heads so far up Obama's posterior that they don't know have the heart to fight anymore. Black Americans have become psychologically neutered.
Yes my good friends African Americans have been systematically & psychologically conditioned to accept second class treatment, which is further evidence of their marginalized citizenship. This sickness among African Americans is known as the Post Trumatic Stress Slave Syndrome or the Delayed Stress Slave Syndrome, which is inherent in the overall slave mentality.

*I would like to give special thanks to Lani Guinier the first Black woman tenured Law Professor at the Harvard Law School for not participating in the"Gong Show Circus" in support of Elena Kagan like the other sell out faculty members at HLS such as Uncle Charles Ogletree, Randall Kennedy, and the rest of the Harvard Coon Clan at HLS.

You may still call the White House Comments Line at 202-456-1111 or write to President Obama or to the first Lady.
Will you call or write or do you choose to stay on the sidelines while important history is being made. I say put up or shut up or go back and act and behave just like a good little pickaninny, afraid to upset the status quo.
* Did you have your Obama juice today ? I understand that the Banks on Wall Street ran out of Obama juice, and they are not offering Obama-Aid. If you take too much of the Obama juice or Obama-Aid you can really get hooked, and addicted.


1 comment:

Black Buzz said...

Elena Kagan recruited one African American for Harvard Law School and her name is Annette Gordon-Reed.