Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Democrats Win Round One As Obama Signs The Landmark Health Care Bill: But The Fight Has Just Begun

Black Buzz News Service
Washington D.C.
March 23, 2010

The Democrats have won round one as Barack Obama signs the historical Health Care legislation in the Oval Office which became law on Tuesday.
The sinister, lying and deceitful Republicans in the Senate have promised to do everything in their power to prevent the "Affordable Health Care for America Act" from being enacted in round number two of this fight for the soul of the American voter.
The gang of 13 (now 14) State Attorney Generals filed lawsuits against this sweeping legislation seven minutes after President Obama signed the bill into law and they have vowed to fight to the finish.
Virginia and Idaho have enacted legislation blocking requirements in the bill and the State Attorney General in Florida claims he will seek to place the Health Care Bill on the ballot box. At least 6o per cent of the voters are required for approval relative to rejecting this issue (Health Care Bill) on the ballot in Florida.
The political climate in the USA is so polarized that we could be on the verge of a cross-class war.
I wonder why these State Attorney Generals haven't filed legal challenges to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, or the Veterans Health Insurance Programs? And why didn't those 14 states file legal challenges to all of the previous named Acts when they were passed ? Hundreds of millions of Americans have benefited by those Socialistic/Communistic programs called Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Vets Benefits Programs.
The U.S. Constitution does say that the Federal Government may regulate interstate commerce for the welfare of the public good. Thus I can't see how any Federal Judge on any level unless it's in Alaska would rule in favor of the plaintiffs from those 14 states.
These 14 cases will be consolidated by the time they reach the John Roberts led U.S. Supreme Court and we will probably have a 5-4 decision if they rule. I think John Roberts and Sam "The Man" Alito would love to get back at President Obama. So to all you Obama supporters and Democrats, the fight indeed has just begun.
Who will do a better job of selling and explaining this monumental piece of legislation to the American people---the Democrats or the Grand Olde Party?
President Obama and his Co-Hort's in the Democratic Party did a mediocre job of selling and explaining the Health Care Reform Bill to the American people.
The first thing you learn in Salesmanshipology 101 is you have to know the product you are selling two hundred percent better than your targeted audience. When you have mastery of the product you are selling your message must be clear and concise to your targeted demographics so there will be no misinterpretations or confusion about what you are selling. You have to believe and have faith that the product you are selling is the best product on the market. It is also vitally important that you know the buying habits of your targeted (group) which means you have to study religiously those buying habits.Whereby the seller(Obama) should know their buying traits, habits, and their culture better than they know themselves.
One of the problems Obama and the Democrats had is that they kept changing the product they were attempting to sell to the American people which has resulted in poor public approval ratings do to this confusion. Further you have to know your opponents product better than they know it. The Republicans really didn't have a coherent consistent Health Care Reform Bill that was people friendly and they merely went through the motions of grandstanding and obstructing the process of Health Care Reform.
Now President Obama has to travel around the country to sell the product of ( Affordable Health Care For America Act) because he and the Democrats did a very poor job of selling this Act before it became the law.
Obama's strategy is definitely ass backward.
Can one imagine selling a Mercedes- Benz SLK55AMG to a reluctant buyer, and when the purchaser attempts to turn in the vehicle after 48 hours from the date of the purchase the sales person(Obama) attempts to sell, or persuade he or she (Customer) that the car they bought is the best on the market therefore they should keep said ?

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