Black Buzz News Service
Dumfries, Virginia,
March 15, 2010
Hopefully President Obama will have the opportunity of appointing the second African American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
It should come as no surprise that the Negro who sits presently on the U.S. Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas is married to a closet bigot Virginia Thomas, who hails from the state of Nebraska.
Virginia Thomas presently is the founder of a "Tea Party Anti Black group called Liberty Central, which is allegedly a non-profit. Mrs. Thomas claims she started the group because she wanted to focus in on all the things that made America great and she felt that Barack Obama was taking the country to far to the left. (I want my country back) sound familiar.
Mrs. Thomas comes from a very humble background and she elevated her class standing by marrying Justice Thomas even though Thomas is a "unsavory looking inadequate intellectual Stepin Fetchit type of Negro". If Mrs. Thomas didn't marry Uncle Clarence she would be back on the farm in Nebraska shucking corn. Justice Thomas has provided Virginia Thomas with a upscale middle class lifestyle of living that she would not have enjoyed if she would have married the average Joe.
George H.W. Bush showed his deep disdain and contempt for Black Americans by knowingly nominating Clarence Thomas with his inferior mediocre academic and legal qualifications/experience to sit on the high court.
Old marginal Clarence played the race card that he claims to now hate in his Senate Confirmation Hearing on his nomination to the high court by saying he"was being subjected to a "High Tech Lynching". Thomas's statement about high tech lynching intimidated and frighten the weak and inept Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Further Justice Thomas the self-hating Negro has been a beneficiary of Affirmative Action programs at Holy Cross and Yale which are the types of programs he now hates with a selfish passion.
Perhaps Mrs. Thomas needs a true lesson on what really made America great.
Mrs. Thomas, America became a great nation because of all the free stolen land from Maine to California coupled with ambiguous laws + fraudulent treaties involving the indigenous tribes in your state such as the Omaha's, Arapaho's, Ponca's, Pawnee's, Cheyenne, Comanche's, Foxes & Sauk's, Lowa's, Missouri's, Kiowa's, Oto's, and Winnebago's. Mrs Thomas have you ever heard of the Homestead Act of 1862, the Preemption Act of 1841, the Timber Culture Act of 1873, The Stone Act of 1878, the Mining Law of 1866, the General Mining Law of 1872, the Desert Land Act of 1872, the Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909, and the Stock-Raising Homestead Act of 1916 ? Plus Mrs. Thomas, the USA had an exhaustive supply of free slave labor. Mrs Thomas America became a powerful nation with all the free labor and stolen land from Sea to shining Sea in concert with a warped philosophy of Manifest Destiny Policy that provided a convenient cover an disguise for White Supremacy="The Great American Empire".
It appears as though Mrs. Thomas's involvement with her Liberty Central group poses a definite ethical conflict of interest with Justice Thomas sitting on the high court. Maybe that's how we can get old Uncle Clarence removed from the high court!
We need to establish term limits for all members of the Federal Judiciary, the House & Senate in order to restore some of the principles of the"Founding Fathers". No Justice, Judge or politician should have a lifetime job in the 21th. Century.
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