Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is There Any Difference Between The Blatant, Egregious, Deceitful, Crimes of Bernie Madoff and the Deceptive Financial Outlaws At Goldman Sachs?

April 27, 2010
Tysons Corner, Virginia

Tysons Corner, VA. It is quite apparent that during the reign of George W. Bush that the entire financial industry in the USA (Wall Street) did as they pleased without any fear of outside interference from any governmental regulatory body such as the SEC coupled with the gross lack of congressional oversight. These two negative factors led to the greatest financial disaster since the "Great Depression".
What good are laws and regulations governing any aspect of our institutions when those agencies and commissions which are mandated by their statutory authority miserably failed to execute what is required under their mandates? The U.S. Congress was also complicit in creating the atmosphere for graft and corruption by being asleep at the wheel.
The American public needs to ask both major political parties to reinstate regulatory provisions that would ban commercial banks from speculative investments. Those provisions should be included in any type of financial reform bill under present or future consideration in the Congress.
If I had my way, I would prosecute all the characters that Time Magazine identified in their February 2009 edition as causing the greatest financial crisis since the "Great Depression " from the top CEO of Countrywide to the top SEC Officials and their subordinates + Bill Clinton & George W. Bush. Those Congress folks who were in office during this financial crisis also need to be prosecuted for dereliction of duty and neglect of the American people's interest. What we really need is a Special Prosecutor to prosecute all the actors who were involved in this financial calamity.
Review my blog post dated February 12, 2009 titled TARP BANKS and Financial Institutions Dupe The American Public while Congress Grandstands at http://blackbuzz.blogspot.com/

It doesn't take a George Washington Carver or Einstein to understand that it's the system of free market capitalism that breeds avarice, graft, moral decadence, corruption, greed, deceitfulness, deception, dishonesty, manipulative behavior and classism.
Yes, Timberwolf was one "Shitty Deal" made by and marketed by the "shitty people" at Goldman Sachs. How many more "shitty" deals were marketed to investors around the world, particularly in the Middle East?
Does the cat have your tongue ?

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