Sunday, April 11, 2010

Letter From Strom Thurmond, Chairman of The Committee On The Judiciary, United States Senate, To Reginald D. Plato & Ronald B. Saunders , July 17,1986

Black Buzz News Service
Archives of The National Black
Political Caucus.
Pittsburgh PA
April 11, 2010

The following letter from Strom Thurmond, Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate, was received by Mr. Reginald D. Plato, President of The National Black Political Caucus & Mr. Ronald B. Saunders, Chairman of The National Black Political Caucus, dated July 17, 1986.

Strom Thurmond, South Carolina, Chairman-R
Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Maryland-R
Joseph B. Biden, Jr. Delaware-D
Paul Laxalt, Nevada-R
Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts-D
* Orrin G. Hatch, Utah-R
*Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia-D
Alan k. Simpson, Wyoming-R
Howard M. Metzenbaum, Ohio-D
John East, North Carolina-R
Dennis DeConcini, Arizona-D
* Charles E. Grassley, Iowa-R
* Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont-D
Jeremiah Denton, Alabama-R
Howell Heflin, Alabama-D
* Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania- R
Paul Simon, Illinois-D
*Mitch McConnel, Kentucky-R

Dennis W.Shedd, Chief Counsel and Staff Director
Diana L. Waterman, General Counsel
Melinda Koutsoumpas, Chief Clerk
Marc R. Gittenstein, Miniority Chief Counsel

Committee On The Judiciary

July 17, 1986

Mr. Reginald D. Plato
Mr. Ronald B. Saunders
The National Black Political Caucus
P.O. Box 2966
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230
Dear Mr. Plato and Mr. Saunders
Thank you for your recent correspondence concerning Judge Antonin Scalia and Justice William Rehnquist and the Judicial nomination process.
As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I consider Judicial nominations to be one of the major responsibilities undertaken by the Committee and the Senate.
You may be assured that I will give full consideration to your comments, and I appreciate your having taken the time to advise me of your thoughts.
With kindest personal regards and best wishes.
Strom Thurmond

Blogger Black Buzz states that Arlen Specter, as a Republican member of the U.S. Senate voted in favor of the most extreme Right-Wing Judicial Activist Ideologues on the present and past U.S. Supreme Court and they are as follows :
1. Samuel A. Alito
2. Anthony Kennedy
3. John G. Roberts
4.Antonin Scalia
5. Clarence Thomas
*6. William Rehnquist
Now Mr. Specter is a Democrat, and he wants the good people of Pennsylvania, to vote for him after he voted for the above men, who have turned back the clock on many of the progressive programs, and ideas that made our experiment in Democratic governance more inclusive for all Americans.
Senators like Hatch, Grassley, McConnel, Byrd, Leahy, and Specter feel that they are entitled to a lifetime job in the U.S. Senate. People like Hatch, Bryd, Grassley, McConnel, Leahy and Specter have become institutions. No elected Official, Politician, Judge, or Justice should have a lifetime job.
I am in favor of term limits for Congress persons, U.S. Senators and all members of the Federal Judiciary including the U.S. Supreme Court.
Let's finally have a Constitutional Convention to discuss term limits, and other appropriate items that will make our Constitution more relevant to the 21th. century.

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