Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bye Bye Bye Arlen Specter: I Thank The Good People Of Pennsylvania ! We did it !

Pittsburgh PA.
May 19, 2010
Pittsburgh PA.. Specter cannot blame the calculating Obama, for his great defeat in last night's Pennsylvania Primary. If Barry would have come into the Keystone state, Sestak would have won by 17 percent. Why did Arlen loose the election ? Mr. Specter only voted with the Democrats 23 percent of the time. The sagacious voters of Pennsylvania knew that old Arlen was in the hip pocket of Republican Presidents, Reagan, and the Bush family members, which was evidenced by his blind naked support for the war in Iraq, tax cuts for the rich, and voting for all of those right-wing extremist on the United States Supreme Court. I never voted for the sly Specter. Pennsylvania has lost over 289,000 jobs since Specter started pimping the voters of Pennsylvania in 1980. We good people in PA. don't like turncoats of any kind. Hey Arlen the Jokes on you.
Anita Hill has to be elated by Specter's defeat.

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