Chicago, Illinois
May 3, 2010
( BBNS )
Chicago, Illinois....President Obama has been in office for the last fourteen months, but he can't find the time to speak out against the internal violence that has plagued the City of Chicago particularly on the South side.
Obama hasn't spoken one word about the Black young people who are being shot, and killed on the mean streets of Chicago.
All African Americans should have a problem with Obama's failure to speak out vociferously against this horrific violence in Chicago. More imporantly if you are African American, and you don't have a problem with Obama's silence on this senseless violence then you really have a problem.
Barack Obama's silence is just another form of opppression.
The Obama's lived on the South side of Chicago in the Hyde Park community, which is less than a mile from Englewood where many of the heinous killings and shootings have occurred.
The streets of Chicago are far more dangerous than the streets in Kabul, and Baghdad.
Obama is the same President that can find the meaningless time to appear buffoonish at the White House Correspondents Dinner with his dry tired humor, but he can't take five minutes to speak out against the on-going violence in his home city.
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