Pittsburgh PA.
May 11, 2010
Breaking News
( BBNS )
Arlen Specter, who is Pennsylvania's modern day version of Benedict Arnold, voted against Elena Kagan, for the position of Solicitor General of the United States, in which he claimed she didn't have the necessary legal experience or qualifications to be the Solicitor General of the United States. Now since Specter has changed Parties, he has found the same Kagan to be highly qualified to sit on the highest court in the land.
So this is just business as usual ?
The Democrats in the state of Pennsylvania must think all the voters in the keystone state are complete idiots and morons.
Our boy Specter is most proud of having voted 92.2 percent of the time for the policies Ronald Reagan, George W.H Bush, and George W. Bush.
Like a typical political trader, Arlen Specter thinks that he can have his cake and eat it too.
If I was Specter, I would keep Barry Obama, out of the Keystone state. You see what happened when Obama when into state of Massachusetts.
The Democratic candidate ( Martha Coakely ) lost by 18 percent to an obscure State Legislator named bad news Brown. The old Plymouth Bay Colony is a lot more liberal than Pennsylvania.
Well I say to voters of the great state of Pennsylvania don't let Specter play you for a fool, and reject him on May 18, 2010
Hey Arlen, which way is the Political wind blowing today ?
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