Pittsburgh, PA.
Archives of The National Black
Political Caucus
May 1, 2010
( BBNS )
The following letter was received by Ronald B. Saunders, Chairman of the National Black Political Caucus from Vera Lee Byrd, Assistant Dean of Student Life/ Minority and International Student Affairs, Emerson College, Boston Massachusetts on February 11, 1987
To: Distinguished Guests
From: Vera Lee Byrd
Assistant Dean of Student Life/
Minority and International Student Affairs
Re: Dinner with Ronald B. Saunders
On Behalf of E.B.O.N. I. ( Emerson's Black Organization with Natural Interests and the Office of Minority Affairs, you are cordially invited to have dinner with Ronald B. Saunders, Chairman of the National Black Political Caucus. Mr. Saunders will speak to the Emerson Community on Monday, February 23,1987 at 7 p.m. in the student Union, room 24.
Dinner has been scheduled for 5 : p.m. in the SAGA classroom, located in the Fensgate Residential Unit on Campus. Your attendance at the dinner with Ronald B. Saunders will be an added attraction in welcoming Mr. Saunders to Emerson College.
Please R.S. V. P. by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 18, 1987 by calling me at the Cultural Center ( ext. 8689 ) or the Dean of Students Office (ext. 8640 ).
Vera Lee Byrd
Assistant Director of Student Life/
Minority and International Student Affairs
cc : Ron Ludman, Dean of Students
Gail A. DiSabatino, Assistant Dean of Students
Libby Jackson, E. B. O. N. I. Chair
Black History Month File
Mr. Saunders lecture at Emerson College on February 23, 1987 was titled Africa Is The Cradle Of Civilization, And The Origins Of Man.
Here are some of the highlights of Mr. Saunders lecture held at Emerson College in Boston Massachusetts.
This lecture started with Mr. Saunders describing the African/Edenic roots of civilization to the Archaic Period in Kemet (Egypt ) 3100- 2664 B.C. to the late Period in Kemet ( Egypt ) in 1075- 332 B.C.
Mr. Saunders stated in his lecture that Kemet is the Ancient name for Egypt = meaning Black people who came from the rich Black land now commonly called Egypt. Saunders said Kemet is a derivative of the word Khem (Cham or Ham ),which means "burnt" or Black. Saunders further stated that Ham was one of Noah's three sons and a direct Ancestor of the Egyptians, who had Ebony, and Jet Black complexions.
Saunders informed the audience of Ham's descendants taken from Genesis ( 10 : 2 -5 ) and they are as follows :
a. Cush- Ethiopia
b. Mizraim- Egypt
c. Phut-Africa
d. Canaan ( Canaanites of Palestine )
e.Nimrod- Babylon and Assyria
f. Sidon ( Phoenicia )
g. Heth (Hittites
h. Jebus ( the Jebusites, the occupants of Jerusalem prior to David's reign )
i. Pilistim (the Philistines )
j. Sin ( possible founder of the Asian peoples of China, Japan, the original people of India, etc ).
According to Mr. Saunders more nations and people are descended from Ham than his other two brothers who are Shem, and Japheth. Mr Saunders said white Christian Theologians, white Historians, and people who claim to be Jewish (scholars) have been spreading this non-sense that Japheth and Shem were entirely of a different race or color than Ham, which is just pure racist garbage. Saunders further said that all three of the brothers, Ham, Japtheth and Shem came from the same biological parents who were Noah and his wife Emzara. Saunders also said it would be biologically and genetically impossible to have three distinct separate races from the same biological parents, but Euro-centric white Christian Biblical so-called scholars, along with folks who say they are Jews have been telling these racist lies for thousands of years. All three of the brothers were Coal Black just like their African/Edenic parents, Noah and Emzara. Saunders said the family of Noah was believed to be the only human beings to inhabit the earth after the great flood.
Mr. Saunders said the "Holy Bible both old and new is one of our biggest source of Black History and Multi- Culturalism in the world ". Saunders said it takes a whole lot of study, and research to unravel the myths, lies, distortions, of white supremacist scholarship of the white Christian Church, and bias white Rabbinical scholars and white historians.
Saunders said the old testament Bible repeatedly refers to Egypt as the land of Ham ( Psalm 105. 23, 27... 106: 22
Thus according to the Bible the ancient Egyptians were descended from Ham through Mizraim. The name Mizraim is the original name given to Egypt in the Hebrew Bible. The name "Egypt itself actually comes from the Greeks who gave the land the name (i.e. "Aegytos " from the Greek.
Before the Greeks arrived in said land of Egypt the land was referred to as Kemet. Saunders said the Greeks were the first heathen nation on the continent of Europe to obtain civilization in which all of the rest of Europe remained in a gross barbaric stage of development for thousands of years.
Saunders said the early Egyptians built a powerful African civilization that endured for almost 3,000 years, and many of their achievements were world firsts in architecture, physics, engineering, mathematics, medicine, religion, art. music, science, all originated in ancient Egypt.
The Egyptian Pyramids are still the greatest structures ever built by anyone past and present. Saunders informed all present that scientist today recognize that Egypt's social structure and culture evolved from patterns that appear in various forms in other African cultures.
Saunders said some historians believe that the Nubian's to the south of Kemet had a more advanced civilization than their Kemetians brothers in Kemet ( Egypt ).
At a time when the ancestors of most modern people were living primitively, the Black Egyptians maintained a grand civilization. In fact Mr. Saunders stated that the Europeans were the last people in the world to obtain any semblance of an organized civilization. The Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Nubian's, the Kushites, and other type A, B, C, group people left a glorious heritage for Africa and the world."
Mr. Saunders further stated that virtually all Egyptologists and anthropologist agree that the Ancient Egyptians came through the line of Mizraim, who was one of Ham's sons as previously stated.
Egyptians belonged to same ethnic sub-grouping usually referred to as Hamites,' as the Somali, Galla, Oromo, Beja, Afar ( Danakil ) - peoples of Northeast Africa. According to Saunders that would also include the Wolof of Senegal, and the Nubian's and other indigenous tribes.
Mr. Saunders informed the audience that the Ancient Egyptians had Black skin and very woolly hair texture and other typical Negroid features.
Mr. Saunders reminded the audience that today Egyptians speak Arabic, and are often thought of as Middle Eastern.
This is due to the heavy migration of Arabic people in the Seventh century A.D.. But Egypt's glorious past is part of Africa's heritage.
The Arab armies swept out of the Arabian peninsula in about A.D. 640, to conquer and hijack Egypt, and spread the new religion of Islam across Northern Africa. The Arab conquest proved the most durable of all. It endowed Egypt not only with a new religion but also a new language, Arabic . Saunders also said that when the Arabs invaded Egypt that many of the Black Egyptians were members of the Coptic Christian Church of Egypt and many spoke the Coptic language.
Saunders said the Arabization of the entire African continent may have been more harsh, sinister, and brutal than European Colonialism.
And that the Arabs were trafficking in Black African slavery long before the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, Danes, Germans, or French. Saunders said many of the Arabs still practice slavery against the Black indigenous tribes such as in Mauritania, Mali, Sudan, and elsewhere on the continent.
Saunders said that Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Nubian's, Kushites, Cushites, Hittites, Romans, Assyrians, French, All kinds of Turks, Kurds, the nasty Brits, Others, and finally the Arabs. Saunders said all the invading armies raped the Egyptian women as the spoils of the conquering armies. Therefore to do DNA testing on the present inhabitants ( Arabs) of Egypt to establish a link with pre and post dynastic Black Egypt is totally flawed and dishonest. Today's Arabs living in Egypt invaded the land just as they did all over Africa including Nubia/ Sudan. Saunders said the oldest living modern day human beings are the San Bushmen of Southern & Eastern Africa, and if the Mitochondrial DNA testing was 100 percent correct every human being that is tested should have a Sub-Sahara geno trait in his or her DNA. That all modern day human beings presently living on the planet earth are descendants of the San Bushmen. Mr. Saunders said we are all Africans under the skin.
Mr. Saunders informed his captive audience that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was of mixed Egyptian, and Nubian Black African ancestry.
In closing Mr. Saunders stated that for the last five hundred years that Euro- centric/ Anglo- American White Supremacist Historians, Arabic- centric racists, Social Scientist, Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Clergy, Artisans, Media, Hollywood, DNA Hustlers, Educators, and Painters have attempted to rewrite the history of Ancient Egypt by portraying the Egyptians as white or shades of off white which is historically false and factually incorrect + academically dishonest. In closing Mr. Saunders said all students must be cognizant of the fact that white Christian Biblical Theologians, white historians, white Rabbinical scholars in concert with some Arabs have attempted to delegitimize the Black Africanistic characteristics and authenticity of Egypt's World Class Civilization from the Archaic Period to the Late Period 1 and Late Period 2, etc.
A extensive Question, and Answer period followed. One of the questions asked by a Emerson student from Liberia, was where did the name Africa come from ? Mr. Saunders said the current name of Africa is a misnomer. That the name of Africa was given to the continent by the Ancient Romans. Saunders said the name Africa is Latin in origin because the ancient Romans spoke the Latin language, which is a derivative of ancient Greek. Saunders said the oldest name for Africa is Akebu-Lan which means Mother of Mankind or Garden of Eden. Saunders further expalined that Akebu-Lan was used by the Moors, Nubian's, Numidians, Khart-Haddans ( Carthaginians ), and Kushites/Ethiopians. Saunders said other names refer to Africa are Kemet, Libya, Orregia, Corphye, Egypt, Ethiopia and or Sudan, Olympia, Hesperia, Oceania, and Ta-Merry, and land of Ham. Can you imagine that an African student from Liberia asking and Afro American as to where did the name of Africa come from. Is that an indictment of the present Educational system in Liberia and the U.S. or is it do to a thousand years of Euro centric false brain washing and indoctrination or both? Note that the local Media was present but, I do believe that the lecture was a little over their pay-grade.
* Note blogger Black Buzz has traveled to Morocco, Algeria, and Libya.
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