Monday, May 10, 2010

Black Women Get Taken For Granted Again: As Obama Nominates A Closet Bircher In Elana Kagan To The U.S. Supreme Court.

Washington D.C.
May 9, 2010
Breaking News

President Barack Obama has selected Elena Kagan, as his nominee to fill Justice John Paul Stevens seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
As I stated in my previous blog posting on April 23, 2010 and April 15, 2010 at that the Boston Celtics will start an American White player on their basketball team before Barack Obama nominates a Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Indeed the cold calculating politician Obama, has taken Black women for granted again by selecting an American Jewish woman, who has deep roots in the Ivy League.
Obama listened to the advice of his AI PAC advisers in selecting Kagan, and that was part of the deal that when Obama brought Kagan into the administration that she would get a Supreme Court nomination. American Jews didn't give Obama nearly the number of votes that Blacks gave him, but Blacks don't own or control anything on Wall Street or Madison Avenue. And for the most part many American Jews remain hostile toward Obama for his perceived Anti-Israeli views. Perhaps now B'nai Brith will give Obama their annual Man of the Year Award.
Kagan and Obama were law school buddies ( faculty members) at the University of Chicago School of Law. And the University of Chicago Law School is not known as a liberal or progressive law school.
So Black folks are to accept Kagan because she clerked for "Our Titan Thurgood Marshall ? " I don't give a damn whether Kagan clerked for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., she is the wrong choice at the wrong time for the position of Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Kagan has too many Conservatives backing her, and that should signal a major red flag to progressives. Furthermore Kagan doesn't have any Judicial experience, and she is not as remotely qualified as the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Georgia, Leah Ward Sears.
Its quite apparent that Obama didn't give a tinker's damn about the number of Black women who voted for his tired behind.
Black females were Obama's strongest constituents, and they did all the heavy lifting in getting Obama into the White House. The numbers don't lie. But Black women must again be regulated to the back of the bus in being last in line for a Supreme Court appointment. ( Yes We Can )
When will Black people finally wake up, and see Obama for the true conniving fraudulent political hustler that he is ? Is Obama any different than the horrible plantation owner of the antebellum period, who only used Black women to satisfy their lust and personal interest ? Obama had designs on being President while attending Harvard University, and he knew that he couldn't have a white blue eyed blond as his mate so in comes Michele Robinson. I surmise that his marriage to Michele Robinson was a bold political calculation solely for his own career benefit.
Can one imagine Obama, traveling down in Alabama, or Mississippi or anywhere in the USA with a white blond, blue eyed, on his arm as his wife while seeking the office of President of the United States ? Black women would have correctly told Barry Obama to take a hike.
The ambivalent Democratic Party has always taken Black support, and our votes for granted. When election day is over the Democrats say the "hell with those darkies." Look at the way Obama, and Democrats treated the Black farmers who won their law suit against the USDA.
Why must we continue to let the Democratic Party treat us as second class citizens, even with a tan face in the White House who appears to be cleverly anti-Black? If any Black person ever again votes for Obama for the Presidency then you need to get your little pea brain examined.
I suspect that Black Americans will moan, and gripe about Obama's selection of Kagan for the high court, but they will religiously adjust like "good little pickaninny's.
The painful thing is that so many Black people have their heads so far up Obama's posterior that they don't even have the heart to fight anymore. Black Americans have become psychologically neutered. Black people should make Obama pay a terrible political price for his duplicity in selecting the closet Bircher Kagan.
Watch the corporate sponsored media give us a steady diet of Negro apologists like the slick head Rev. Al Sharpton, the sell out Ben Jealous, the former Mayor of San Fransisco Willie Brown, Cynthia Tucker, Michele Bernard, and others who will attempt to give political cover to the condescending Obama.
Black people have been duped, and tricked by the smooth slick- hip pimp talking Obama, whose is only concern is about brokering and furthering the interest of his corporate sponsors on Wall Street and Madison Ave. Obama serves at the behest of his well heeled corporate sponsors, but Obama should be aware of the fact that the"Lord giveth, and the good Lord taketh away.
Oh ! Obama does have an agenda, but it hasn't nothing to do with Black Americans, or the middle class its all about beholden to his AI PAC friends and cronies.
The appointment of a Supreme Court Jurist is the most important appointment that President Obama will make in his presidency.
Our Yes we can President Obama, will never nominate a Black person for any opening for the Supreme Court even if he's in office for 8 years.
Is this the change you voted for ?
May 10, 2010 will go down in U.S. history as one the darkest days of the young republic.

"The two Parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a gentleman's agreement of non-recognition, no matter how we vote.
May God write us down as Asses, if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or Democratic Parties, "
W.E. Dubois ( 1868-1963 )


RayP said...

I thought that he would select a black to the court. He put a latino on there the last time. We'll keep watching this dude...

RayP said...

You're right Mr. Black Buzz. The democrats taking for granted the black vote is one of the reasons that I will be changing my political affiliation to INDEPENDENT.