Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain (McSame) Voted for 700 Billion Socialist Bail-Out of Wall Street

Why did John McCain vote for the largest socialistic 700 billion dollar bail-out/rescue in American history if he was not a socialist in disguise? So doesn’t that make McCain an undercover socialist masquerading as a reformer? And what about his wife Cindy’s beer distributorship in Communist Cuba?
Tell me why has the sponsored media stayed away from the McCains’ business dealings with Cuba which are against U.S. trade sanctions. The sponsored media also refuses to investigate the role that John McCain played in manipulating the fraudulent land deal in Arizona that ostracized the Navahos from their property/land for the sole benefit of the Peabody Coal Company.
It’s unfortunate that our educational system in the United States does not accurately teach the correct and true meaning of the terms or ideologies such as socialism, communism, fascism, totalitarianism and other political systems. Therefore, we have many citizens who use the aforementioned terms incorrectly, not knowing their true definition or meaning in proper context. Technically, unemployment compensation insurance and Medicare are the by-products of socialism as well as a whole host of other governmental programs that benefit hundreds of millions of American people.
McCain’s criticism of Barack Obama “spreading the wealth” is false and misleading because the government on a daily basis gives all types of governmental largesse in the form of subsidies to farmers, corporations and every other entity in the American society.

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