Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Illinois’ Plantation Politics

Black Buzz says one of the Chicago papers did an editorial about Mr. Burris on January 13th in which it was mentioned how desperate Mr. Burris was in seeking the U.S. senatorial appointment even though he had full knowledge that said appointment was tainted. Most people with some semblance of integrity avoided this appointment as if it were the plague because they knew it was infected with the disease of Blagoitis. Yes it’s true that many Blacks such as Burris appear to be cutthroats and electable only because they would cut their own grandmothers’ throats in order to get ahead or personally succeed. Sadly, a majority of so-called local Black leaders in Chicago and elsewhere in the country, in their pandering to local/state White officials and establishment powers, have sold their families and traded their souls for a dry bone from the master’s table for the honor of currying favor with Whites in power. (Bobby Rush is the exception to the brutal backroom politics in the windy city).
People like Mr. Burris have not been selective in their choices just as a pet dog in their desire to be loved, have required no more than a patronizing pat on the head. Mr. Burris and others of the same ilk are not electable to any meaningful office and are regarded as toilet tissue, useable and disposable to those who have used them (Blagojevich). A great number of these so-called Black leaders at all levels of government, particularly Mr. Burris, in their service as footstools and patsies to the master have betrayed, misled and misinformed other Blacks for whom they assumed representative or leadership status, now serve as surrogates in the maintenance of the status quo.

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