Friday, May 1, 2009

The Black African Nations Elect Muammar al-Gaddafi as Head of the African Union

On February 2, 2009, at a summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the buffoonish, stupid African Heads of States elected Muammar al-Gaddafi to be head of the African Union. The African Heads of States reward Gaddafi for his illegal invasion of the Black African Nation of Chad and his persistent undermining of the government in Uganda with said appointment. How much money did Gaddafi give to these duplicitous, disingenuous, sell-outs Heads of States? Appointing or electing Gaddafi to head the African Union is like placing Adolf Eichmann in charge of running the Simon Wiesenthal Center.


Black Buzz said...

Now You know the real reason why the plight of the indigenous people in Darfur was not on the Agenda of the warped so-called UN Conference on Racism.That recent UN Conference on racism was poltical exercise in uselessness.

Black Buzz said...

There is a connection between bad goverance and poverty. Just ask Gaddafi's sell outs in Nigeria,Niger,Somalia,and Sudan just to name a few.

Black Buzz said...

The so-called African Union Character states that no leader shall be the head of said African Union if he/she has come into power by a coup in his/her country of origin. Col.Gaddafi took power in Libiya by a brutal coup d'e-tat in 1968.I guess the Character doesnt apply to racist Arabs in North African who hijacked those African states in the 7TH century A.D.

Black Buzz said...

Mr Gaddafi how much did you pay the victims of Pam-Am Flight 103 ?

Black Buzz said...

Col. Gaddafi how much did you pay the victims families for the horrible bombing of Pan-Am Flight 103 ?

Black Buzz said...

Col. Gaddafi how much did your government pay the victims families in the bombing of Pan-Am Flight 73 ? Mr. Gaddafi how much did you pay the victims families for the bombing of UTA Fight 772? How much money Mr.Gaddafi did you pay the American victims families for those brutal murders in a West Berlin discotheque in 1986 ?

Black Buzz said...

Libya admmitted and took full responsibility for the bombing of Pan-Am Fight 103 and cowboy Bush rewards them(Libya) by taking them off the U.S. State Departments list of Nations that sponsor Terror. This was a terrible error on the part of BushCo. How do the victims families feel about this grave breach of trust and out right dereliction of duty on the part of the President of The United States. And the UN lifted the Sanctions on Libya. Isnt that outrageous ?

Black Buzz said...

No matter how much money you pay to the victims families Col. Gaddafi that will not bring the victims back and the memory of their hateful destruction by your agents and surrogates will be in our hearts forever. These innocents victims were not members of the U.S. Military nor were they engaged in any covert actions against your government.They for the most part were innocent plane passengers,and your agents attacked them in a nefarious cowardly fashion. The God that I know will forgive you for your treacherous actions but what about all the victims families can they forgive you for your beast'like behavior ?

Black Buzz said...

Remember 270 people died on Pan-Am Flight 103 which was going over Lockerbee Scotland in 1988.Do African Heads of State have the ability to read and comprehend ? I wonder !

Black Buzz said...

It is often said that Africa is the cradle of Civilization,and that man's orginal birth place is on the continent of Africa. So I asked all those leaders that voted for Col.Gaddafi to head the puppet African Union is Mr. Gaddafi the person that you want to portray to the rest of the world? Is that the Image that you want ?

Black Buzz said...

The Dems: Strip Specter of his seniority rights in the Senate. Now, who is the loyal Democrat ? Well,It's about time !

Black Buzz said...

Arlen that electorate that your talking about are all the good voters of Pa,which includes Joe&Suzie Six'Pack,the gun nuts,the fetus freaks,the extreme right wingers,miners,school teachers,Doctors,Lawyers, factory workers,Educators,Health Pros,people from all walks of life. That's your jury,Arlen !

Black Buzz said...

Don't believe the Quinnipac Poll that has old boy Specter trouncing Pat Toomey.

Black Buzz said...

Pennsylvanianians don't like turn coat politicians regardless of their political affiliation.

Black Buzz said...

I have never voted for Arlen Specter and never will.