Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BLACK FARMERS RALLY ON Thursday September 23rd, at 12/NOON, at 1400 Independence Avenue SW/ Washinton D.C. 2050 (USDA Building)

Washington D.C.
September 22, 2010

Washington D.C. Solomon Comissiong, who is an Educator, activist and author will be leading a delegation of students, faculty, and concerned citizens to Rally to Support the Black Farmers of this country. Solomon and his delegation with be leaving the University of Maryland's Nyumburu Center to catch the College Park Metro at 11:00 AM this Thursday September 23, 2010. If you can make it out please do. This is one of the critical issues of our time that has continually been suppressed by the Mainstream Corporate Media.
Farmers from Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and elsewhere in the South will be coming to Washington D.C.this week to shine a spotlight on the refusal of the U.S. Senate to approve 1.25 billion in funding for the Black farmers' antidiscrimination lawsuit against the USDA, funds promised in February by the Obama administration and passed by the House in May.
Black farmers have been denied loans and participation in other government programs for decades by the USDA and many have lost their land and been forced out of farming as a result. They won a class-action lawsuit in 1999 ( Pigford vs. Glickman) upholding their claims of discrimination. Today, they are fighting for additional funds in order to compensate thousands who were unjustly excluded from the first settlement.

1400 Independence Avenue SW/Washington, 2050 USDA Building
September 23rd, at 12/noon

* You think President Obama will step out of the Oval Office to greet the participants? I bet you ten to one that Obama will be out of town. President Obama may send out his insensitive flunky, Secretary Agriculture Tom Vilsack out to give more duplicitous lip service to the plight of the Black farmers. Will Al Sharpton and uncle Ben Jealous be in attendance supporting the Black farmers. I haven't heard Uncle Ben whisper a word in support of the Black farmers. Maybe the cat has uncle Ben's tongue or perhaps Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase have Ben in their hip pocket.
Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.
With the Black unemployment rate in D.C. hovering around 18 per cent, and with thousands who are simply not looking for jobs that don't exist it would be a positive thing for all those folks not looking for jobs and the thousands of college students to rally support for the BLACK FARMERS tomorrow.
*Will the mental midget clan led by Sarah Palin, Glen high school drop out Beck, Newt should be in jail Gingrich, or the phony fake Mormon Mitt Romney, dabbling in Witchcraft Christine O'Donnell, be in attendance supporting the Black Farmers?
Perhaps O'Donnell will serve all of tomorrow's participants a cup of Witches Brew.

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