Thursday, February 12, 2009

TARP Banks and Financial Institutions Dupe Public While Congress Grandstands

Mr. Hank Paulson, former Treasury Secretary, along with cohort George Bush and the duplicitous Congress did a major con job on the American people in reference to the first TARP bailout. The Democrats and Republicans were and still are asleep at the wheel and the American electorate appears naive and perplexed over the matter of the first TARP bailout usage of funds. The public does not need an obscure narrative description of what each financial institution is doing with the TARP bailout funds but what is needed are detailed accounting procedures with thorough congressional oversight that explain and track every dollar that is being spent on a monthly basis. The conniving greedy bank CEO’s presently can’t verify or validate how the TARP funds have or are being spent and they can’t explain why the funds are not going to the consumers for whom they were intended. Now these cast of addle brain characters running the banks and other financial institutions are standing in line waiting for more of the taxpayers’ money. The Madoff 50 billion dollar Ponzi scheme is minor compared to the largest fraud in American history, the 2.1 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme on the part of the banks and other financial institutions receiving TARP funds on Wall Street. When will Congress start doing its job of protecting the interests of the American people on Main Street rather than the financial hustlers on Wall Street?
Timothy Geithner, the new Treasury Secretary, is a Wall Street insider and is in the hip pocket of those gluttonous bankers that have contributed to the deepening financial meltdown which is the worst financial crisis in the modern day era. Timothy Geithner is all about the status quo and protecting the banks, the financial institutions and their lobbyists on Wall Street. Mr. Geithner believes in aiding banks and other financial institutions that should be shut down and buried rather than the smaller banks who are more favorable to the American consumers on Main Street. Timothy Geithner is acutely aware that this is not a crisis of liquidity but is a crisis of insolvency and there is no mechanism presently in place that will make the banks pay any of their TARP funds debt back to the American people. On February 12, 2009, TIME magazine listed the top 25 people based upon their analysis with whom I concur who caused this present financial crisis in the United States. They are as follows: W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, Hank Paulson, David Lereah, Lew Ranieri, DaviPhil Gramm, Christopher Cox, Angelo Mozilo, Joe Cassano, Franklin Raines, Ian McCarthy, Kathleen Corbet, Dick Fuld, Bernard Madoff, Herb & Marion Sandler, Stan O'Neal, John Devany, Sandy Weill, Jimmy Cayne, The American Consumer, George d Oddsson, Fred Goodwin, Bill Clinton, Wen Jiabao, Burton Jablin and Ronald Reagan, the godfather of deregulation. This permissive environment has existed on Wall Street since the 1980's with very little enforcement of any regulation or laws. Therefore what is needed is a special financial criminal prosecution commission to prosecute the previously named individuals and others for their criminal fraudulent behavior because it is apparent the SEC and other regulatory agencies have not done their job.
So how will Mr. Geithner be any different than Hank Paulson? We have substituted Hank Paulson who is a corporate Republican for Timothy Geithner who is a corporate Democrat. If we follow Geithner's policies and plans for resurrecting the economy, we will be in a full scale depression, for Mr. Geithner's policies and plans are the same as Hank Paulson's. So how is this the change we can believe in? Timothy Geithner is simply old wine with a different party label in a new bottle.

1 comment:

Black Buzz said...

With a worsening financial crisis in the U.S and golbally, President Obama refuses to fill key postions in the Treasury Department while orchestrating a diversionary campaign on tackling Health Care It seems to me that President Obama needs to a better job of prioritizing his priorities.The failure to fix the present financial crisis with some semblance of normalcy will rest soley on Mr. Obama who presently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.