Friday, November 19, 2010

A Letter That Angus McEachran Editor of the Pittsburgh Press Received From Rabbi Joseph Spector

The Ronald B. Saunders Project
The Ronald B. Saunders Papers
Archives of The National Black Political Caucus
Pittsburgh PA
November 19, 2010

This is a letter that Angus McEachran Editor of the Pittsburgh Press received on March 23, 1988 from Rabbi Joseph Spector of the Tree of Life Synagogue, Uniontown, PA. 15401.

Dear Mr. McEachran:

I am writing this letter to you as a means of expressing appreciation for the forthright letter to you from Ronald B. Saunders that appeared in the Sunday Press on March 20, 1988.

I am grateful to Mr. Saunders for his observations, especially his inclusion in his factual analysis of the well-documented 1929 slaughter of 67 Jewish students in Hebron by Palestinians of that day. It prompted me to write a note to each of my four children recalling for them how I could have been one of those killed had it not been for my mother, of blessed memory.

I thought you and Mr. Saunders might be interested in that note. As I do have Mr. Saunders' address, I would appreciate your sending him a copy of this letter and attachment.

You may print all of this if you feel it appropriate.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Joseph Spector
Tree of Life Synagogue
Uniontown, PA 15401

March 20, 1988 " Note to my children"

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