Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Drill, Drill, Drill, Drill

So what else is new? Now that you raped Mother Earth from many of its vital natural resources, now you want to rape the ocean and ocean beds for its resources because of your incessant, gluttonous greed to feed your excessive, materialistic, epicurean lifestyle of behavior. Yes, my father and ancestors are turning over in their respective graves in admonishing and condemning the caretakers of planet earth. What is it about this modern day Renaissance man that has limited his ability to live in harmony with nature and his environment? Perhaps the Amish and a few remaining indigenous tribes are the only true people who understand how to live compatibly with nature by not destructively damaging the environment. When will these crimes against Mother Nature and our planet cease and desist? What will you drill for when there is nothing remaining to feed your insatiable appetite?

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