Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain Works Hard to Keep Barr Off the Ballot In Pennsylvania

Old John McCain and crew are doing everything in their power to deny Bob Barr the opportunity to have his name placed on the ballot in the State of Pennsylvania. Why? Senator McCain claims that he is a true, loyal, compassionate patriot. But Mr. McCain is attempting to restrict and prohibit Mr. Barr from the benefits of participating in our hemorrhaging experiment in democratic governance. Is it because Bob Barr is the only true conservative in the present presidential race, who has a 95% approval rating by every conservative organization in the country, while serving as a distinguished congressman from the Seventh District of Georgia? Mr. Barr had a consistent, conservative voting record in the Congress.
No intelligent conservative would vote for John McCain (McBush) because he is nothing more than a clone of George Bush with all the baggage that comes with the territory. Mr. McCain, why haven’t you invited Mr. Barr to debate you in one of your town hall meetings? What are you afraid of, Mr. McCain------that Mr. Barr would expose you for the hypocritical fraud that you are?

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