Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Black Buzz News Service
Black Chronicle Archives
Washington D.C.
February 10, 2010

December, 1927-One of America's wealthiest Negro inventors was Elbert R. (Doc) Robinson.
He perfected a wheel design that was eventually used by every railroad in the country.
Although he patented this device, a white man stole the idea and sold it to the Chicago Railway Co.
Robinson took his case all the way to the Supreme Court. The Court finally awarded him 13 million dollars in royalties.

Blogger Black Buzz states that hundreds of Negroes had their inventions stolen by conniving and manipulative and roguish whites. In the vast majority of cases involving the theft of Negro inventions the courts on all levels were always sympathetic to the whites who had taken advantage of the Negroes lack of connection and power. So the Robinson case stands out as a landmark decision by the high court in its ruling for a Negro litigant.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When was Elbert R. Robinson born?
What type of education did he have.
Where was he born and raised?
Was he married?