Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grand Old Party of Lincoln

The Republican Party argues emphatically that they support traditional American values of family and home. Yet no administration has done more than Bush –Cheney to destroy the Black family and the poor American home. While it is quite evident that the present Democratic Party offers little hope or real promise for Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and Muslims, for the future, the Republican Party holds the reasonable assurance of a return to approved bigotry, bias, Jim Crow as a standard, throwback era civil war Reconstruction types of judges and juries and the real threat of law enforcement by lynch ropes and mobs as an American way of life.
It should be clear to all people who wish to see it, that the Republican Party, the once venerated party of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass has unceremoniously yet convincingly become the bed for arch right wingers like Dick Cheney, Trent Lott, Karl Rove, Pat Buchanan, John Paul McCain, neo-conservatives, George Wallace Deomcrats, reactionaries like Rush Limbaugh, Bill Cunningham, Anthony Scalia, John Roberts, Bill O’Reilly, ne’er-do-wells, misfits and the party of holdover Nazis. All too often we are what we have been carefully taught not to see. How can such outstanding Afro-Americans as General Colin Powell, Secretary of State Condelezza Rice belong to a party that treats their fellow Afro-Americans and other people of color with contempt, indifference, disdain, hostility and is racist in their actions and deeds.
The Black Republican surrogate apologists and strategists are forever trying to convince us that the White right wing reactionary Republicans always mean just the opposite or something other than what they’ve stated or written or that they are badly misquoted, misunderstood or misinterpreted. These Black Republicans have it backwards and need to learn more of the facts of life and nature-----it is the dog that wags its tail, not the tail that wags the dog.
Barack Obama’s unique candidacy offers that little degree of hope that most unbiased Americans are desirous of seeing in a president of the United States of America.

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