Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Basra Iraq---No Win Situation

I knew that when the British troops left the City of Basra that it was just a matter of time and that all hell would break loose. Any type of precipitous U.S, troop withdrawal presently in Iraq will spell disaster for the Iraqi people and the Maliki government. The question is, can the so-called Iraqi security forces of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki defeat the ragtag militants of the popular Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr? No one with an acute understanding of the crisis in Iraq believes that the U.S. or British troops and others can be withdrawn on any level in the next two to three years. The U. S. and Britain have to remain in Iraq for at least five years in order to provide air support to the Iraqi security forces. The Iraqi army cannot defeat or contain the various Shiite militias throughout Iraq without sustained air support. The Iraqis have no air force or combat air support capability.
So I think it is premature for any of the presidential candidates to talk about U.S. troop withdrawal without the knowledge of being able to forecast of predict what the geo-political situation will be in the next year. U.S. troop withdrawals should only be predicated on the overall ground conditions and the progress of the Maliki government to forge some semblance of a unified government. Furthermore, the Maliki government has to make a concerted effort to make all the various political, religious factions and tribal leaders feel that they have a stake in sharing power and making Iraq a stable government for the benefit of all. If all else fails, the partition plan, once advocated by U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, might be the best plan for the Kurds, Shiites and Sunni’s.
The revenue from oil was supposed to aid and help in the rebuilding of Iraq, but a large percentage of the raw oil is being hijacked by unscrupulous sources for their own gain and profit. We know that the Bushes and Clintons do not believe in strict or airtight regulations to monitor the activities of our business community which has caused the present fiasco on Wall Street and on Main Street. Thus the Bush Administration has incorporated this same type of laissez-faire attitude in the monitoring of the Iraqi oil revenues which are supposed to be distributed equally to all the various Iraqi factions. This asinine hands-off control of the monitoring of Iraqi oil revenue is attributable to George Bush which has fueled gross corruption in the distribution of Iraqi oil.
A partition plan would possibly insure that the oil profits may be more equitably distributed among the Kurds, Shiites and Sunni’s. American stupidity along with gross arrogance coupled with our jingoistic, warped manifest destiny cowboy foreign policy has created this quagmire in Iraq solely for the benefit of the multi-national corporations and their greedy stock and shareholders of those respective corporations. Now the U.S. will spend another estimated trillions of dollars to rebuild a once sovereign country under Saddam Hussein that we have completely destroyed. Does that make sense or do we have any type of logic to justify this policy?
The American people are to blame for this number one foreign policy blunder since the fiasco in Vietnam because the American people elected the incompetent George Bush, the scandalous, corrupt Dick Cheney, deadwood, deadbeats like John McCain and a lying yes woman in Hillary Clinton and an overpaid, under-worked, inept Congress that has fallen into a type of malignant Machiavellian decadence. The American citizenry should have been monitoring, critically examining, questioning and writing letters to their elected officials, meeting with their elected officials and requesting all the information from Congress and the Bush Administration that was germane to the Iraqis WMD’s. This is a gross failure of the legislative and executive branches of government for misleading the American people into this misadventure solely for profit for the multinational corporations. We should have been protesting vociferously and consistently before the march to war in Iraq based upon a false pretense. Those fat alley cats in Washington work for the American people and we gave them a free pass to engage in a destructive, genocidal campaign against the Iraqi people. Then we wonder why everyone and their brother despise the good old USA.
Therefore I am supporting Barack Obama because he offers some semblance of intelligence and sanity to this complicated world of ours.

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