Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Clinton Campaign Is Nine Million Dollars in Debt

You load 16 tons
What do you get?
Another day older
And Hillary grows deeper in debt.
St Peter don’t you call me
Because I can’t go
Hillary owes her soul to the
Corporate Store.
If you see Hillary comin
You better step aside
A lot of men didn’t (blank blank) and a lot of men died
St. Peter don’t you call me
Because I can’t go
Hillary owes her soul to the
Corporate Store.

Twenty one days before the Pennsylvania Primary and the Clinton campaign is nine million dollars is debt. Hillary Clinton claims to be a fighter, but she didn’t fight hard enough for her own campaign staffers to have adequate health insurance. The way Hillary has run her campaign is a reflection of how she would run the White House, in a climate of acrimony, dysfunctional, reckless, disarray, employees backstabbing, bickering and sniping, internal conflicts, surrogates such as Bill Clinton and Bob Johnson freelancing, and disseminating inaccurate, false, malicious, hateful information allegedly without Hillary’s knowledge and consent.
Barack Obama has a forty million dollar surplus and has run his campaign in a cohesive, efficient and exemplary fashion. This is evidence of how an Obama
White House would function and operate. Mr. Obama has made all Americans feel that they have a bona-fide stake in the future development of this fledgling experiment in democratic governance. He has also emphasized the worth of the individual rather than the worth of the corporate elites or Washington political bureaucrats masquerading around as servants of the people
That’s why the choice for Pennsylvania voters is clear on April 22. Cast your vote for Barack Obama.

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