Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The New Yorker Magazine Cover Depiction of the Obama’s

The publisher of the magazine said it was a parody of what the right-wing says and thinks about Mr. and Mrs. Obama. Are many of the Hillary supporters also a part of the right wing? In the minds of many uninformed Americans, the New Yorker cover of the Obama’s furthered the negative, incorrect perceptions. Let’s face the facts. The New Yorker is a supposedly very liberal pro-democratic magazine which caters to a very upscale audience who possibly laughed at the parody. Is it true satire or does the New Yorker have a political agenda?
Did the cover of the New Yorker reinforce some old stereotypes of the Obama’s? Can anyone at the New Yorker produce a picture of Michelle Obama with a natural or Afro hairstyle or show a picture with Michelle Obama with an AK-47 or a machine gun? Also, show a bona-fide picture of the brilliant professor Angela Davis with an AK-47 or a machine gun slung on her back. Angela Davis and Michelle Obama look nothing remotely alike. Incidentally, the Afro-style of hair looks good on all Black women. And by the way, you may be surprised to learn that Jesus Christ is described in the Good Book as having hair like lamb’s wool and men typically in ancient times wore their hair in locks and dreadlocks.
In my opinion, the depiction of the Obama’s, the burning of the American flag, and a picture of Osama-Bin-Laden was nothing but pure and unadulterated naked racism under the guise of being satire protected by the First Amendment. Thus the cover of the Obama’s on the New Yorker was intentionally designed to play on White America’s fears and to perpetuate old negative stereotypes of Muslims and Black militants.
The American Muslim community should be outraged by this cover. According to a recent Newsweek poll, many Americans still believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, that he attended an extremist Muslim school in his youth, that Mr. Obama took his senatorial oath on the Koran, and that Mr. Obama refuses to say the pledge of allegiance.
Please be on the lookout for Michelle Obama to be depicted as Aunt Jemina with a “do-rag” and every other kind of despicable racially dehumanizing stereotype.

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