Monday, June 22, 2009

The beautiful Women of Iran are to be commended for their courage,bravery,and compassion for attempting to address many of the deep seated problems .

The whole world has watched the women of Iran "Take the Bull By The Horns" by exercising their rights as citizens of Iran in attempting to bring about some semblance of change in a regime which has become addicted to the success of the 1979 Revolution in Iran. I give Kudos to those brave innocent women and men who risk their lives for democratic reform in a part of the world that in many ways has been mired in various feudal systems of governing its populaces.
However it should be up to the great people of Iran to determine what form of governance they should have,and they certainly don't need right-wing politicians from the United States dictating or lecturing them on type of Government they need. The people of Iran understand the components Anglo-British Imperialism,and they are not desirous of returning to good old days of the corrupt Shah,where the Brits and the Yankees had a free reign over Iranian oil.

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