Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford Is the Same Mean Spirited Man Who Refused to Accept Federal Education Stimulus Funds for Students

Any responsible government official who would turn down Federal Education Stimulus Funds for the Black & White Students or for any student in the State of South Carolina, who are among the nations' poorest performing students on all major academic achievement tests deserves all the pain, suffering, heartaches and hardships that accompanied his open admission of his infidelity and adultery. Hopefully some member of the South Carolina Legislature will explore the legalities for impeachment of Governor Sanford, who should resign immediately from the position of Governor to save the people of South Carolina further embarrassment.
Governor Mark Sanford, you self-righteous hypocrite you do reap what you sow in this life.

......and our children
Children are the bearers of life in its simplest and most joyous form. Children are color-blind and still free of all the complications, greed and hatred that will slowly be instilled in them through life.... Keith Haring, 1986

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