Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What steps is the Obama Administration taking to remedy the genocide and suffering of the indigenous people in Darfur,Sudan ?

When will President Obama's so-called smart diplomacy start working to relief the suffering and genocide perpetrated on the innocent people in Darfur ?
Why hasn't President Obama spoken out more vociferously against the thugs in Khartoum,who hijacked the government ? President Obama's campaign rhetoric on Darfur hasn't translated into concrete assertive action in the Darfur region of Sudan. Is President Obama afraid of offending the Communist Chinese who are the real movers and shakers behind the rogue government in Khartoum ?
Did Timothy Geithner bring up the plight of the people in Darfur when he met with the Chinese last week ? President Obama allegedly will be speaking to the entire Muslim world tomorrow,and Egypt borders Sudan. So will the President of the United States mention Darfur in passing in his speech before the entire global family of nations or will he be trying to massage the egos of the Saudi's ?

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