Monday, June 22, 2009

Hopefully Obama's positive smart Diplomacy will trigger dissident protests in the oppressive regimes in Cuba,Egypt, Libya,and Syria .

The notorious brutally corrupt Castro brothers have been in power in Cuba since 1959,and their is no such thing as a Civil Rights or Protest movement in these dictatorial regimes in Cuba,Egypt,Libya or Syria.
The Castro's,Mubarak,Qaddafi,and Assad stay in power by the rule of force,intimidation,and oppression of the masses of their respective populations. It is my hope that the Cuban people will one day rise up and overthrow the present racist government in Cuba.Hosni Mubarak has been in power in Egypt since 1981 and he stays in power by crushing all his political opponents by brute force and oppression. The Assad's have been in power in Syria since 1970,and their populace is ripe for an overthrow of this iron fist regime,and Col. Qaddafi is nothing but a repackaged Terrorist who rules by absolute power and control. The main thing all these previous mentioned regimes have in common is they do not permit any semblance of citizen participation in the political process. All these dictatorial Governments will fail in the final analysis its just a matter of time. Apparently Cuba,Egypt,Libya,and Syria haven't learned any lessons from the Soviets or the Third Reich,and all these leaders fear President Obama in his offer of outreach and change in their feudal systems of governing their populaces.

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