Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bernie Madoff One Of The Greatest Financial Criminals In American History Should Receive 150 Years Without The Possibilty Of Parole.

The big dogs got away with financial murder while the nations most incompetent,inept,Commission the SEC looked the other way and let the big dogs like Bernie Madoff run amok.
Everyone in the New York Office of the SEC should be indicted for stonewalling an investigation of Madoff long before the fraudulent scandal ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The SEC basically gave Madoff and the other big dog finanacial murderers carte blanche to exploit and manipulate average citizens out of their life-savings while pursuing little dogs who were of no significant consequence. Timothy Geithner was also the head of the New York Federal Reserve when Madoff and other financial Murderers pulled off the biggest financial-Ponzi-Scheme in American history.So doesn't that make Timothy Geithner a complicit fellow traveler relative to the various financial crimes that were committed on Wall Street and Main Street USA ? Geithner is rewarded for his incompetency and egregious alleged crimes with the Chief job,as Secretary of the Treasury. Who is charge of Congressional oversight of the SEC? What was the U.S.Congress doing when all these various ponzi schemes were being committed against innocent citizens ?
The Federal Bureau Of Investigation should investigate the SEC from top to bottom for possible criminal violations,and you can't do the things that Madoff and other big dogs did without internal or in house partners who were assisting and aiding and abetting those crimes by looking the other way or actively participating in covering up Madoff's manipulative financial schemes.
My heart says that Madoff should be executed for his crimes against humanity but my head says he should receive 150 years without any possibility of Parole under any circumstances. Yes his wife was also part of all the fradulent schemes,and she should be locked up also.

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