Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The James S. Robinson Jr. Project Continues For 2011: Hill City Youth Municipaltiy, Friendly Service Bureau, Department of Public Safety, Activities Report for January 1946

The James S. Robinson Jr. Project
Robinson Family Archives
Pittsburgh PA
January 19, 2011

                               HILL CITY YOUTH MUNICIPALITY
                       Friendly Service Bureau D.P. S.

                             ACTIVITIES REPORT
                                January 1946

                             James S. Robinson, Director

The activities of Hill City are rapidly increasing in numbers and attendance. The governmental departments and bureaus are operating in most sections of the area and there is, even at this early stage in our program, a noticeable decrease in delinquent activities in the areas where boys and girls are operating as Hill City agents.
We have now reached the point, where it is necessary to enlist the aid of interested people who are qualified to work with children, to assume the leadership of some of our groups. It is hoped that we shall be able to secure a worker from the City Bureau of Recreation to conduct hobby classes for those children who need " rehabilitation" activities.
    Mr. Raymond Harris, volunteer band and instrumental instructor, is doing a wonderful job with our military band. The members of the band, all of whom are beginners, hope to be ready for parade participation this summer and if they continue to improve as rapidly as they have in the past weeks, we feel that we will have an organization of which we can all be proud to call our own.
Hill City Court opened on Saturday, January 23rd. Those who attended were amazed at the efficiency with which the cases were handed. Judge McNaugher and Attorney Louis Little have agreed to help train these youngsters for the essential work they are to do. Other officials will be asked to assist us as soon as we reach our personnel quota.

                      SPECIAL EVENTS

On Tuesday, January 8, Hill City officials held their first general assembly. The program included selections by the military band, selections by a quartet, representing the Bureau of Investigation and the introduction of the Hill City officials. The highlight of the program was a most inspiring talk by Judge McNaugher. We were happy to have Councilman Wolk visit us and although he arrived too late to witness the assembly, he did tour the building and thus saw the facilities, with which we have to work.
     On Friday, January 25th, the Women's Auxiliary sponsored a game party for the parents in the district. This group is preparing to enlarge its membership and to broaden its activities in the community.

                          CLOTHING DRIVE
     In cooperation with the faculty and McKelvy school, Hill City took an active part of the clothing drive. While the collection was not extremely large, it was nevertheless, varied.

We realize that publicity plays a vital role in the success of any organization. In order to put our program before the public, we are starting a series of articles, accompanied by pictures of the various activities of Hill City. These articles will be carried by the local newspapers.
  On Monday, January 7, a cameraman of the American Newsreel Company, visited Hill City and made motion pictures of the activities in operation. These films will be shown in all sections of the country.
House groups in Hill City are raising funds to finance the printing of a booklet, giving in detail all the activities of Hill City, with pictures of each activity and group. This booklet will be distributed throughout the community and all other interested groups and individuals.

                               PHYSICAL PLANT
Minor improvements and repairs are constantly being made to the building. It will soon be time for spring cleaning and we are trying to have all renovations and repairs completed by that time.

                              DISASTER RELIEF
     In cooperation with the American Red Cross, members of families whose homes and possessions were destroyed by fire, were given temporary shelter for three nights. Other individuals secured temporary living quarters through our efforts. Food and clothing were provided by the Red Cross.

Activity................................No. Sessions.........................Attendance

Women's Auxiliary               2                                               12

House Committee                 2                                               15

Recreation Committee         2                                                22

Wood shop                           23                                              273

Game Room                        23                                              803

Music Instruction                11                                              184

Vocal Instruction                 7                                                  49

Big Sister's Club                 3                                                  35

Bureau of Investigation      27                                                 445

Bureau of Police                27                                                 318

Mayor's Cabinet                25                                                  206

Council                              4                                                     36

District Attorney's Staff    26                                                    208
Total                               182                                                  2608

                       STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF CASES
Offense           Girls                    Boys             Total No. Cases

Larceny           1                          5                          6

Unlawful entry   1                        0                          1

Disorderly Conduct 3                   0                          3

Incorrigible           4                      2                          6

Fighting               7                       6                         13

Robbery               3                       0                          3

Carrying Concealed
Weapons                  0                    1                          1

Truancy                4                        5                          5

Attempting to en-
list in Navy by al-
tering age and
address                0                         2                           2
Total                   23                       21                         44

No. Referred to Juvenile Court ( Girls)                      4

No Referred to Juvenile Court ( Boys )                      2

No. Referred to Family Society                                   1

No. Referred to Hospital                                             1

No. Referred to Red Cross                                         15

No. held for Court                                                      5

No. enrolled in Hill City                                              7

No. enrolled in Crime Prevention Club                      31

                                                            Respectfully submitted
                                                            James S. Robinson, Director

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