Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Courageous President Carter Speaks Out Correctly In His Analysis Of The Racist Outburst Against President Obama


Guess what folks, Blogger Black Buzz has been saying what President Carter said about white racism fueling the mean spirited outburst against President Obama since January of this year.
I am definitely not on the left,right,or in the middle of the political spectrum,and labels to me are meaningless. But I do have an acute understanding and working knowledge of individual& systemic white racism and I can differentiate between those two evils that are deeply embedded in our DNA and I know that most whites are unaware and in denial about their racism and white privilege. President Obama is smart enough to know that there's a high degree of white racism that's fueling the anger and frustrations of many of the voters against him but he can't afford to admit said publically because that would be political suicide which would give an appearance that he was playing the race card. Nevertheless you have Republican and Democrat front men like Mike Steele and Obama's press Secretary Robert Gibbs babbling about non-sense to deflect attention away from the real problem,which is white racism. Obama has always ducked,dodged and tapped danced around the issue of race, for political expediency and his failure to address the problem could ultimately lead to his down fall.
America's 400 year old disease of brutal white racism has been boiling over like a runaway Freight Train since the election of Barack Hussein Obama with no where to hide and how will those pathologies manifest for the duration of Obama's Presidency ?
Will the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People Give President Carter its highest award for speaking out against the disease of White racism and perhaps now President Carter can devote full time to combating that disease.

Racial prejudices are indications of a disturbed and potentially unstable society.
Dr. Kenneth B. Clark,1963

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