Wednesday, September 23, 2009


LOONEYVILLE TEXAS.. More Americans and NATO forces are dying every day in war torn Afghanistan and President Obama looks totally dumbfounded and befuddled as to how to proceed with a winning strategy for victory. So our inexperienced Harvard Law Review President Obama, turns to the cantankerous Vice President Biden who is proposing the same tactics that the inept Clinton Administration tried against the Afghan and Pakistani terror cells which were a major failure.
If the U.S.was really serious about going after Al-AQaeda immediately after 9-11 they should have sent in their best and most elite counter-insurgency assassination/squads(Special Ops.) to annihilate all of the leaders of said group and then they should have solicited the support of the tribal leaders in the Afghan countryside in concert with U. S. forces they would have been able to knock out the remaining Al-AQaeda cells.
It appears as though the Taliban may have been complicit in the 9-11 attack by providing the land on which these murderous thugs called Al-AQaeda received and conducted their training. However there is no direct creditable evidence to suggest that the Taliban destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. But these Al-AQaeda thugs also received some of there training in the U.S. under the watchful eye of the World's allegedly best intelligence agencies.
So George W. Bush's conventional U.S. military assault on Afghanistan was doomed for failure from it's inception. Bush didn't try to move beyond Kabul in pursing the Taliban and Osama's gang because he knew it would be hell for U.S.forces in a direct all out conflict so he he created a diversion in Iraq to mask his failure in Afghanistan in going after and defeating the Taliban and Al-AQaeda. Bush further calculated that a U.S. defeat in Afghanistan would have cost him in his reelection bid in 2004. Thus the weak Saddam in Iraq who's military had been decisively defeated in"Operation Desert Storm" offered BUSH CO the easiest target and the least amount of resistance for military success and Bush knew that he would be perceived by the American public as a sitting war hero and Americans don't usually kick out of office sitting U.S. Presidents in the time of war.(Mission Accomplished) So Bush and his band of neo-con henchmen made up fake intelligence to curry favor with the American public as well other nations in the World Body of Nations. George W.Bush attempted to punish the Taliban for there refusal to turn over Osama Bin-Laden and for there purported complicity with Osama's crew which did not warrant invading the Country of Afghanistan in the first place. I truly believe that George Bush was never desirous of getting the culprits responsible for the attack on 9-11 . Furthermore President Obama has been trying to clean up the terrible financial mess that he inherited from his predecessor on the domestic front and in the foreign policy arena coupled with two wars. Indeed George W. Bush was the most incompetent,addle-brained President of the United States in the modern day era. It is quite apparent that know one in the Bush Administration nor the Pentagon knew anything about the previous military failures in the country of Afghanistan or were they just to arrogant with their Manifest Destiny thinking that they felt like Uncle Sam could beat anyone on the battlefields of the world.
Even the racist Rudyard Kipling wrote poems about the Brits failure in Afghanistan with there flawed military tactics and strategy.
Now we have the Pentagon's broker General McCrstayal asking for more troops to accomplish this mission impossible,which our Commander-in-chief still refuses to make known clearly and coherently what the U.S mission is going to be in Afghanistan.
This present war in Afghanistan is all about putting more cash into our Military-Industrial-Complex,and the John McCain fellow travelers in the Pentagon have made a complete buffoons out of the Obama Administration.
The vast majority of Afghans live in a very medieval type of primitive society but the one things that unites Afghans everywhere is the presence of United States and foreign troops on their sacred land. Osama was able to dupe the Taliban by giving them an enormous amount of cash for their silence but his bunch of terrorists are and were still viewed as outsiders by most Afghans. Will the U.S go to war with all the host nations of the world that aid and abet terrorism ?
The ball has been handed to you President Obama. What will you do in Afghanistan to obtain a victory with honor ?

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