Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Black farmers in the U.S. are still waiting on the U.S. Congress to give them 40 Acres, John Deere Tractors, Planting Seeds, and Gold Cadillacs

Black Buzz News Service
Concord, North Carolina
April 2, 2010

The United States Department Of Agriculture admitted in 1997 that it intentionally discriminated against Black farmers.
Bill Clinton, the most Anti-Civil Rights Democrat President in the last fifty years did absolutely nothing to settle the Black farmer's class action lawsuit. Clinton thought he could co-opt the Black farmer's by entertaining the Black farmers in the Carolina's by playing sour notes on his old Saxophone in a vain effort to pacify them, but the Black farmers were aware of his duplicity.
This lawsuit happened on Bill Clinton's watch, but the acts of discrimination occurred as far back as the 1940's. This is a classic case of structural systemic racism practiced by a Governmental agency(USDA).
Last month the smooth, double talking, flip- flopping President Obama, and Secretary of Agriculture, Vilsack promised to pay thousands of Black farmer's 1.25 Billion dollars before the start of this year's (2010) spring planting season.
And the U.S. Congress basically said the hell with those Darkie's as they left for spring recess, and the Congress did not appropriate the necessary funds that would have given the Black farmer's the opportunity to plant for the spring season. Thus the discrimination against the Black farmer's continues with the mean-spirited actions of the U.S. Congress and the failure of the Obama administration to live up to its words with concerted action to finally remedy this dreadful systemic problem.
What good is the Congressional Black Caucus ?
The White Senators and Congress persons were fighting harder for the Black farmer's than those buffoons that make up the Congressional Black Caucus..
Mary Landrieu, Senator from Louisiana is to be commended for really taken the "Bull By The Horns in leading the battle for the Black farmer's in obtaining payments for years of harsh, cruel discrimination by the USDA against this forgotten class of Americans.
This is the same USDA that admitted to discriminating against Native Americans and Hispanics.
Is this the America that Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas was talking about ?

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