Thursday, April 15, 2010

President Obama You Need To Nominate A Highly Distinguished Protestant Black Woman Who Has Sterling Exemplary Qualifications To The High Court ?

Black Buzz News Service
Selma, Alabama
April 16, 2010

Selma, Alabama.. From the day that Justice Sotomayor was elevated to the United States Supreme Court, the African American Judicial Lobbying & Advocacy Organizations should have moved into high gear demanding that the so-called first African American President in the modern day era nominate a Black woman with outstanding exemplary credentials to the highest court in the land.
The Congressional Black Caucus met recently with President Obama concerning a multitude of issues that are endemic to Black Americans, but they didn't demand that Obama nominate a Black woman to the United States Supreme Court? If not, why not? It is very unfortunate that we no longer have fighters like Barbara Jordan, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. or Ron Dellums among the members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
The painful thing is that so many Black people have their heads so far up Obama's posterior that they don't even have the heart to fight anymore. Black Americans have become psychologically neutered. When will they wake up!
Black females were Obama's strongest constituents and did all the heavy lifting in getting Obama into the White House. The numbers don't lie.
According to the Pew Research Center, Black women had the the highest voter turnout rate in the November 2008 election.
"Overall, Whites made up 76.3% of the record 131 million people who voted in the last Presidential election, while Blacks made up 12.1 %, Hispanics 7.4 % and Asians 2.5%. The Pew Research numbers further show that much of the surge in Black voter turnout participation in 2008 was driven by increased participation among Black women and younger voters. The voter turnout rate among eligible Black female voters increased 5.1 percentage points, from 63.7% in 2004 to 68.8% in 2008.
Overall, among all racial, ethnic and gender groups, BLACK women had the highest voter turnout rate in the November election of 2008, a first.
Hispanics only gave 67 % of their vote to Obama, and they accounted for 7.4 percent of the 131 million people who voted in the 2008 Presidential election. The Hispanic numbers for Obama pale in comparison to the African Americans who comprised a record 12.1 % of the total vote, 95 percent of whom voted for Obama."
When First Lady Michele Obama made her correct statement: "for the first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of my country because I feel that hope is finally making a comeback", Black women and the entire Black community could identify with that statement and vociferously came to her rescue when she was attacked by bigoted Whites and Whites who are still in denial about America's racist past and present.
But Barack Obama didn't give a "tinkers damn about that Black power, and chose to bypass a Black female for said high court and African Americans naively wrongfully gave the vacuous opportunist Obama a free pass.
Will it happen again? Probably. How much longer will we permit politicians like Barack Obama and others of the same ilk to treat us continually like second class citizens?
It appears as though Obama was desirous of making history with his prudent political calculation in selecting the Hispanic Judge Sotomayor to the High Court. With the potential of millions of new Hispanic voters in the very near future, Obama made his decision solely with that prospect in mind.
The appointment of a Supreme Court Jurist is the most important appointment that President Obama will make in his presidency.
Yes we all know that President Obama has numerous highly visible hand picked Black woman in his administration but the Supreme Court is a lifetime job and the most powerful Judicial job in the land.
A Supreme Court appointment rightfully is a horse of another color.
President Obama is greatly influenced by his cadre of AIPAC advisers in his inner circle in the White House, many of whom have never been supportive of a progressive Black agenda and some have even been known to have an Anti-Black agenda bias.
I suspect that the timid Obama is not willing to roll up his sleeves and fight the Republicans and the wishy-washy Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee and full Senate for the idea of appointing a Black woman to said court because of the 2010 November elections. But the Democrats may lose big time time regardless of whether he nominates a closet bircher in Elana Kagan or the more liberal Diane Pamela Wood.
Kagan unfortunately can probably be confirmed with the least amount of hassle from the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Obama doesn't want a prolonged fight with Palin and the Tea baggers.
All of the Justices have some sort of Ivy League link, which is not a court of the people.
I would like to see one of those cantankerous White males on the Senate Judiciary Committee, like Sessions, attack a Black woman about something she wrote or said in the past that correctly exposed the myths about our experiment in Democratic governance. I welcome that debate and fight.
Bring it on !
Obama and the banal callous ambivalent Democratic Party can always take Black Americans support and votes for granted because the Democrats and Obama have determined that Black Americans couldn't possibly join the Republican Party or the Tea Party crowd. What about a third independent party made up of true Progressives of all shapes, sizes, and colors, not neo White liberals who at times behave in a very duplicitious fashion towards African Americans and other people of color. It should be clear to all who wish to see it, that the Republican Party, the once venerated party of Lincoln, has unceremoniously yet convincingly become the bed for misfits, arch right-wingers, ne'er-do-wells, reactionaries, and the party of holdover Nazis and Kluxers.
When Justice John Paul Stevens retires, we will not have any Protestants on the Supreme Court and the court will be top heavy with Catholics and Jewish Americans. Is this the type of change we can believe in going into the 21st century having our highest court that doesn't in any way reflect representation accurately from all our demographics and diversity?
Jewish Americans make up roughly 1.3 % of the total U.S. population. So why should they have 22 percent of the Justices on the Supreme Court? Catholic Americans make up 24.5 percent of the U.S. population and six Supreme Court Justices claim membership in the Roman Catholic Church. Their number constitutes 66 percent of all the Supreme Court Jurists. So how is that representation fair and a true microcosm of America?
You're damn right we live in a world of identity politics. Just look at the results of the November 2008 election. I assume that our Harvard Wonder Child can count and do the math. If it wasn't for Black female voters and young people, Barack Hussein Obama would not be living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Obama would be back in the U.S. Senate fighting for his political life and would be targeted by the Tea Party for defeat.
Not appointing a Black woman now to the Supreme Court is not going to make the U.S. less polarized as a society. The USA has been polarized since its violent inception which had and still does have all the components of classism, sexism and racism.
So I ask this question of you, Mr. President: Why won't you nominate a Black woman who can walk on water to the Supreme Court like Leah Ward Sears, Teresa Wynn Roseborough, Ojetta Rogeriee Thompson, Anne Claire Williams, or Lani Guinier, Harvard's first Black female tenured Law School faculty member? If not now, when and why not ?
Many Black Americans in the past and present died in attempting to become an integral part of this evolutionary process of perfecting our Union. The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement was not supposed to benefit or uplift the traitorous conduct and behavior of people like the present Justice, Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas is the complete antithesis of what the brilliant Thurgood Marshall, John Houston and others fought their entire lives in eradicating all the vestiges of institutional and systemic racism from our country's DNA.
President Obama is keenly aware of the fact that we presently have a pompous unqualified self-hating Negro occupying the Black seat on the U.S Supreme Court in Clarence Thomas.
So will Black females be taken for granted again and "dissed" by the slick talking Obama? Since Obama will probably be the first African American one term President in the modern day era, I say make history and appoint a Protestant Black woman to the High Court. That will be your true legacy, Mr. President and the single most important thing that will make your daughters Malia and Sasha and the Black females and Black men of this nation most proud of your reign in the White House.
You don't see the National Organization Of Women (NOW) advocating the history making appointment of an African American female to the high court because NOW has its own agenda and it has nothing to do with empowering Black, Hispanic or Asian women.
The constitution should represent all the people and not just a select group of elites and corporations.
I urge everyone to call the WHITE HOUSE COMMENTS LINE at 202-456-1111 or write to President Obama and to the First Lady.
Will you call or write or do you choose to stay on the sidelines while important history is being made. I say put up or shut-up or go back and act and behave just as a good little pickaninny, afraid to upset the status quo.


Black Buzz said...

American Pioneer, Jackie Robinson said " Life is not a spectator sport... if you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstands just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life."
Jackie Robinson

Black Buzz said...

The great American Pioneer, Jackie Robinson said " I believe in the goodness of a free society. And beleive that society can remain good only as long as we are willing to FIGHT for it- and to FIGHT against whatever imperfections may exist."
Jackie Robinson

Black Buzz said...

Let it be said that the only thing that African Americans fight effectively against is each other.
Anyone ever hear of the "Crabs-in a barrel theory ?

Black Buzz said...

American Pioneer, Jackie Robinson said " Life is not a spectator sport... if you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstands just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life."
Jackie Robinson