Monday, April 12, 2010

On April 12,1861 Confederates Attack Fort Sumter, Which Sparked the War Between the States

Black Buzz News Service
Orangeburg, South Carolina
April 12, 2010

Even though the Confederate States of America lost the military conflict with the United States of America, the White Southerners view of Blacks as an inferior race to be treated less than animals was the dominant view of the vast majority of Whites in the U.S.
So did the South really lose the Civil War? I don't think so!
And that distorted contemptuous Southern view of Blacks in the Pre and Post Antebellum period has been reflective in every aspect of our culture, and that's the racist historical (legacy) that the Governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell wants Virginians to celebrate. Governor McDonnell intentionally avoided making any reference to the nefarious capitalistic economic system of slavery, while attempting to appeal to his base of people many of whom are still fighting the Civil War in their bigoted mindset. In the mind of Governor Bob McDonnell, Black people in the Old Dominion are invisible, and they don't exist.
Furthermore White people in the State of Virginia feel they have been inundated with the celebration of Black History during the Month of February, and why shouldn't they officially celebrate Confederate History.The commemoration of Confederate History Month is all about the celebration of white Supremacy.
Also, Governor McDonnell's call to celebrate Confederate History in the State of Virginia, is part of the Southern backlash to Obama's Health-Care Reform and to everything that has an Obama imprint.
Virginia is the heart and soul of the old Confederacy (Richmond) so that's why Gov. McDonnell is leading the backlash against Barack Obama. Look for other members of the of the old pro slavery Confederate States of America to follow Virginia's lead in issuing proclamations celebrating Confederate History along with sympathetic western and northern states. This is only the tip of the iceberg relative to the resentment against Obama and the Democrats' massive spending policies.
Is Bob McDonnell a true bridge builder for greater understanding and acceptance of the diversity of his own State of Virginia or is he a calculating political barrier builder and relic of a by-gone era?
Indeed Black and White Americans still suffer from the psychological scars of slavery. Racism is part of our DNA and remains an American dilemma.

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